Sep 21, 2015

WE HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT! [Baby Zuniga coming May 2016]

Oh how I have been waiting to spill the beans on this! I have not known for weeks or anything like that but how could you stay quite for even a day when you are growing a human inside of you!? So yes, Raul and I are expecting a wonderful blessing of a child! This was planned, we have prayed constantly and trusted in God's timing. And well, God said we are ready! Now I know some people would not agree with us announcing so soon considering we will only be 5 weeks come Wednesday [September 23rd, 2015] however I say why not?! Although it is 'smart as they say' to wait till the 12 week mark to announce and also with us having a history of miscarriage. I do not see why we should wait and keep this secret. Who are we trying to protect?

Sep 16, 2015

Thinking of getting a Personal Trainer? [Check these 14 reasons why you SHOULD!]

75 days more days and I will be hitting my one year anniversary as a personal trainer. I remember this exact time last year, reading and studying for eight hours a day / seven days a week. Highlighting, underlining and marking pages. The headaches, late nights and early mornings. Oh and the stress! Boy was I beyond stressed out. However once I drove over an hour to a huge building, went in to take a four hour test at 8:00 a.m and came out a Certified Personal Trainer was well worth it! It reminded me again at that moment, why I decided to become a Personal Trainer. Which this is something I do get asked a lot. 'Why?' If you know anything about Personal Training in the area I am at, you know it is not even close to about money. [Average salary in my area for Personal Trainer- $20-50k a year. That is a assistant, truck driver, sales rep] So why would you go into this field when you are married and plan on having FIVE kids...? Here is why!

Sep 14, 2015

How to fight the holiday weight gain. [Products]

There is officially NINE days till fall and I am very excited! I am so happy to be with Raul this holiday season and also to be able to attend all the family events actually together. It really brings joy to my heart. We are headed back to Texas this week, making it home before the start of the new week. Exciting, I know! One of the thoughts I keep having however is with the holidays how are we suppose to stay on track but also while enjoying the holidays... Every time we go home to family, well...... we slack off. We eat off schedule and really whatever we want. Which then takes us way off track towards our goals. Now I have planned already upon making it back that we will be going to a sams club and buying our food. I will also be prepping my meals to keep

Sep 12, 2015

11 things you should do EVERY morning!

Good afternoon everyone! Remember all the planning I told you I was doing for this weekend? well..... it is out the window. [Yeah yeah I know. All that planning..] The other day Raul was offered to stay a extra week here to finish his projects. Me being extremely ready to go, I said no way. So our weekend and week in consisting of very early mornings and late nights so Raul can get all of his projects out of the way [While trying to fit in gym time and hunting to fill our tags.] Which is fine, we are still coming home Friday! Wooohoooo.

Now I have a question for you. How do you start your mornings? And how does it help function your day? Are you succeeding, failing or constantly in the same position not moving?

Sep 10, 2015

Build muscle on a $50, $75 or $100 / week budget !

Can today be over with yet? Just kidding. But seriously I feel like a train hit me this morning. My body is extremely burned out and way sore from workouts [thankfully Saturday is our rest day... however I don't think walking miles hunting helps..] I even slept in till almost ten because I just did not want to move.. Yeahhh, it is some serious business. However today will be a great day [I am going to make it into one.] We have a meeting with our mentors today, Today is once again chest and triceps, and we get to go out to eat at buffalo wild wings!!! I have been waiting weeks to go eat there. Thanks babe! Oh and we only have 9 more days till we leave back to Texas. So heads up high, shaking off this sore body and carrying on!

So talking to Raul yesterday about food, I seen that we run out of almost all our food today and tomorrow. Meaning it is grocery shopping time! I am wanting to test out Sams club or Costco though to see how much money we can save! However then again buying in bulk, is not smart when we are leaving so soon. So Walmart it is again! Raul and I right now spend about $80-90 a week in groceries. [This is not bulking season either.] In California when we both were bulking, we would spend about $130 a week in groceries! That is about $520 a month just in food. Not our supplements or extras we want.

Sep 9, 2015

Take the challenge! [Intense back workout!]

Happy Wednesday everyone! You are officially half way through the week! WOOOHOOOO! I am still in the process of planning mine and Raul's Saturday. So far I have taking Cash to the dog park that morning, hitting up the pictograph caves up the road after that, then go do some hunting. Unsure really how long we will hunt for so I do not know what will be happening afterwards. Still a plan in progress. However I hope you have some awesome plans this coming weekend!

Today for me is a slow day... My spark does not arrive till Friday [at least I will have it this weekend and for the drive back to Texas next weekend.], We did not get back home from hunting last night till late, I did not sleep good at all and well we got up early this morning before school to get in the workout we missed last night! [Good ol' back and biceps] So I am like 50 percent here and 50 percent asleep.... Maybe I can get a nap in after this.

Sep 8, 2015

32 ways to motivate yourself to workout [when you really don't feel like it.]

Yesterday was a mental train wreck with me and my fitness. All day long I beat myself up. 'You are not getting anywhere...', 'Your progress is stopping.', 'you're not big enough.', 'why did you stop back then... you're working to get back to that point and beyond now. You know where you would be now if you didn't quit then?'. I mean seriously, I was tearing myself apart. I am honestly my worst enemy. Through all of it though I pulled out a few tips that I give people in upping their motivation. I then gave myself a real honest talk on telling myself to shut up and suck it up. Resulting in me still going to the gym that evening. Something happened at the gym though before I started my workout that made me smile so big and kicked my workout into high gear. I stepped onto the scale!

Sep 7, 2015

Mixed emotions... [Jaw dropping inspiration / motivation.]

Happy Labor day everyone!!! Also happy MONDAY! I hope everyone's day is going great. Spending some time with family, eating some good food, or whatever else people do today. I have been sitting in the school house all day because Raul still has class today! It is a very busy week for him! Being because, we leave in 11 days back to Texas! [for family [my daily count downers] that are reading this, yes I know you are excited!]

Sep 4, 2015

Ab Blasting Workout!

I did it!  I had my alarm go off at 6:00am playing CT Fletcher and I immediately jumped out of bed, got dressed, threw clothes at Raul telling him to get up [nicely] and made our way to the gym. By the way, come 6:00am there is nothing but people 70+ working out. Which first thing that goes in my mind is, 'if they can get up in the mornings to come workout this early. I can to!'. So after Raul and I finished some quick abs and biceps we

Sep 3, 2015

Making cardio fun! [Treadmill workout]

Cardio.... Did reading that word make you cringe? It does me. I absolutely do not like cardio although I know it is needed. And for a few days, weeks now Raul and I were suppose to get up and do morning fasted cardio. We did for a couple days then I fell back into wanting to sleep in.. Can you blame me though? However I am serious this time. I am going to the gym, I am going to run! I am going to shed some fat and look sexy. I am determined! Now to just continue to tell myself this when my alarm goes off at 6:00am. However I have a plan ready. One that will kick the old boring routine out of the window. I also got my upbeat playlist so I think I am set!

Now with cardio I have a couple things I prefer to do. The stair master, rowing machine and this treadmill workout I am going to share with you.  At times I still question though, 'why do I have to even do this....?'

Pumpkin Shoulders! [Workout]

I do not know about you and what really motivates you in fitness goals but shoulders get me! Which any part of the body is really my working point in wanting to make it better. However when I am getting my bicep and triceps forming and gaining mass, I keep thinking 'dang just to get my shoulders bigger, that would be amazing!'. I refer to these dream shoulders I want as pumpkin shoulders! [I will be adding a picture below of what these amazing shoulders look like!.] And with any other body group I get questions on what is best? What should I did? What is a good workout? To answer those questions, I am going to share a workout with you! All that is needed is dumbbells and resistant band.

But first some knowledge: Stronger shoulders make everyday activities much easier [so why are you not working them?] Moving arms to the front, side and behind the body, as well as overhead, is all accomplished with the main shoulder muscles- the deltoid! This muscle wraps around the shoulder joint, actually forming a 'cap' that acts to move the arm in various directions. [Interesting huh?] Okay enough of that.... Here is your workout!

Sep 1, 2015

Fall Fitness! [Challenge+workouts!]

I seriously cannot believe it is the first of September! Which here in Montana summer is pretty much gone and the highs are in the 60s. Which we now have about 19 days left here before heading back to Texas so we will be headed to some warmer weather compared to here! [Woohooo, because I cannot stand the cold!] With fall however comes what many people talk about; hoodies, hot coco, pumpkin everything, Christmas, Halloween, thanksgiving, colorful leaves, cuddling, movie nights, bonfires, haunted houses, and everything else wonderful! Which I completely and totally love also! However there is something that I now think about constantly as the seasons approach that I use to slip on and wish I did not once it comes to shedding out of those sweat pants and hoodies... You know what I am talking about? Yeahh... getting my body into shape!