Sep 8, 2015

32 ways to motivate yourself to workout [when you really don't feel like it.]

Yesterday was a mental train wreck with me and my fitness. All day long I beat myself up. 'You are not getting anywhere...', 'Your progress is stopping.', 'you're not big enough.', 'why did you stop back then... you're working to get back to that point and beyond now. You know where you would be now if you didn't quit then?'. I mean seriously, I was tearing myself apart. I am honestly my worst enemy. Through all of it though I pulled out a few tips that I give people in upping their motivation. I then gave myself a real honest talk on telling myself to shut up and suck it up. Resulting in me still going to the gym that evening. Something happened at the gym though before I started my workout that made me smile so big and kicked my workout into high gear. I stepped onto the scale!

Now most women jump for joy at the scale moving down.. Myself? I take that as a insult honestly. So stepping onto the scale and seeing I have gained weight muscle. I was extremely excited. Not just one pound either. But I went from 144-148.6 in almost two weeks! You see my excitement!?
After seeing that though, I was pumped. I upped my weight on every exercise while also hitting a decent number of reps! I pushed myself to my limits and left with a sore body. I began to think afterwards of a quote I read; 'the moment you are ready to quit is usually the moment before a miracle happens. Don't give up.' It is honestly the truth! If I would've told Raul that I am not going to the gym, I wouldn't have seen that progress. I would've began to start falling back into a fit. I didn't let it happen though! And I don't want you to let it happen either! So take these tips into consideration when you aren't feeling motivated.

"When I don't feel like working out I......."
  • Do it anyways. Simple as that.
  • Give yourself 15 minutes. Meaning, go to the gym and tell yourself that if you workout for 15 minutes and still feel unmotivated or just not wanting to be there than you can leave.' I've done this and never left the gym after those 25 minutes.
  • Look for motivation on Pinterest. [you can check out mine here.] The reason I say Pinterest is because it is loaded will all kinds of motivation! I use it daily!
  • Get a buddy! Having a person come along will help get you up and to the gym. Raul helps a ton with this!
  • Hop on over to youtube and check out some motivational videos. Either speeches or inspirational videos. Whatever works best for you. Like this one!
  • Take a class. These are usually free for members. I have been thinking about trying out Zumba actually!
  • Change things up. Sit down with pen and paper then map out new workouts. Same with cardio. Take the treadmill running to laps inside the pool!
  • Go get dressed. Even if you are not going to the gym yet. Go put on your workout gear and strap up your shoes. Trust me you will feel more motivated to go.
  • Listen to music! Get yourself pumped. I 90% of the time listen to C.T Fletcher. Which is also my alarm to wake up for my 6:00am workouts. [Strong language. C.T Fletcher]
  • Get serious! Really think about what is holding you back. Why is it that you don't want to go? truly think about it and realize it is a excuse then go workout!
  • I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me. -Phillippians 4:13 Need I say more?
  • Get up and dance. Getting your body moving will help kick the funk you have and you will be more motivated to hit the gym.
  • Get some encouragement. I have friends I am able to text and vent to. I am able to openly say, 'I am not feeling it today... I am in a pit.' I immediately get encouragement and put back into the right place.
  • Make a new playlist. Music solves everything!
  • Watch TV when you workout. I did this for the first time yesterday during cardio sense our gym has TVs on everything. I was doing the stairmaster while watching American ninja [I think it is called] and before I knew it, my cardio was done!
  • Ditch the car! We live close enough where we can simply walk over to the gym. This really waking us up. Getting some light pre exercise without us knowing or thinking about it. Making it that the time we make it to the gym, we are ready!
  • Get yourself a new toy! My toys are shoes. I get some and I am ready to test them out! Some if you got the money, go get a fitbit and test that baby out!
  • Just think of your anger and stress. There is no better feeling then letting out some emotions with weights! Trust me on that.
  • Set goals. I am actually doing this today again. Making a new routine with goals to hit! I am honestly already feeling motivated for the gym tonight!
  • Take baby steps. Get dressed, walk out the door, get into the car, go to the gym, lock your stuff away, go workout. Don't think steps ahead but rather taking everything one by one.
  • It only take 21 days for something to become a habit. You got this!
  • Reward yourself! But do not make all the work you just did for nothing. Raul and I actually have protein that is chocolate peanut butter. Talk about the perfect treat after a great workout!
  • Get your diet on track. I come to find out that when I eat like crap, I feel like crap and really don't want to go. but when I eat healthy, I am all ready to go and feeling wonderful. Plus seeing those results from just eating healthier really makes you want to make it better.
  • Join a league. I did this about a year ago. I joined a co-ed softball team. Talk about a fun cardio!
  • Make yourself a vision board. Pictures, quotes, glitter and big letters! Keep it where you see it every day.
  • Talk to people at the gym. When you get to know people at the gym, it makes going there fun. You are surrounded people who have the same mindset as you do and believe me when you miss a day or so, they will ask where you are. [don't be the annoying person holding people up from working out though. We don't like that.]
  • Do you want to be the person who complains about how they have this and that. Can't do this because of this BUT STILL COMPLAIN ABOUT HOW THEY DON'T HAVE RESULTS!? Yeahhh.... you don't want to be that person.
  • Think about your date night. I do this a lot. I love going out and dating Raul. Dressing up in a fancy dress or sexy outfit. I couldn't look good in it if I did not go to the gym!
  • Don't think about it, JUST GO! Seriously just stop thinking so much into it and letting yourself think of excuses. Just get up and go!
Now that you got some tips, GO WOKOUT!!!

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