Sep 4, 2015

Ab Blasting Workout!

I did it!  I had my alarm go off at 6:00am playing CT Fletcher and I immediately jumped out of bed, got dressed, threw clothes at Raul telling him to get up [nicely] and made our way to the gym. By the way, come 6:00am there is nothing but people 70+ working out. Which first thing that goes in my mind is, 'if they can get up in the mornings to come workout this early. I can to!'. So after Raul and I finished some quick abs and biceps we

hit up cardio and abs. Raul ran the full time and I did my fun cardio circuit! [If you missed it yesterday, you can find it HERE!] Boyyyyy, was my legs on fire and my heart rate up! I honestly felt awesome. And afterwards, I did five minutes on the rowing machine!

Walking over to do abs, I wanted Raul and I to do partner abs. And well...... you see. Our heights together, does not really work well. [I always wondered why In gym class when I was younger they told you get someone your height... now I know.] Needless to say after many laughs, we finished with a successful morning cardio and workout!

However it seriously would not be fair if I did not share a ab workout with you! So once again,

Benefits of ab exercise:
  • Flat belly
  • Six-pack abs
  • Better posture
  • Stronger muscle
  • Flexible lower back
  • Improved digestion
  • Activeness
  • Body feels better
  • Strong mental health
  • Improves thinking
  • Loses menopause fat on your waistline
  • Stress prevention
  • Strengthen and tones lower abs
  • Tone and tighten upper abs naturally

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