Many people [including myself] see the holidays as a time to eat up. I mean seriously, you see all the holidays coming up where all this good food will be!? And you are wanting me to get out in freezing weather to go workout? I get it... I use to think it all also. Then come new years, I am rushing to lose some weight to look great in my bikini... Not this year though! And I honestly do not want it to be you either! So here is an awesome opportunity I want to share with you and even a little extra.

This is not a hard challenge. It easily fits into your day and not only will give you amazing results but lasting ones that continue after the 24 days! And best part about it, you eat real food! No full liquid diets, no skipping meals, no bird eating! Which I don't know about you but I love food!
I actually took on the challenge a few months back and dropped 13 pounds, 3% body fat, and truly felt healthy from the inside [something I have never felt in my whole life!] Which to join in on this challenge or any of the other ones, you can comment on the blog here for more information, email me at MIRIAH.FITNESS@GMAIL.COM, or even find me on facebook [Miriah Zuniga]. You can also watch this video that covers the challenge in FULL detail; 24daychallengemovie. Or just go here to get started and I will contact you, I am READY!!! We will discuss your goals and match you with everything you need to succeed! I honestly cannot wait!
And for some more awesome stuff, I am going to share with you a few morning workouts! You can repeat which ever workout you pick, however many times and also combine one or two! There is no workout equipment needed! Here you go!
Don't forget, summer bodies are made in fall / winter! Do not start later when it is too late to get your dream body! You do not need a new years resolution for this. Just start now! You got it! (: God bless!
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