Sep 14, 2015

How to fight the holiday weight gain. [Products]

There is officially NINE days till fall and I am very excited! I am so happy to be with Raul this holiday season and also to be able to attend all the family events actually together. It really brings joy to my heart. We are headed back to Texas this week, making it home before the start of the new week. Exciting, I know! One of the thoughts I keep having however is with the holidays how are we suppose to stay on track but also while enjoying the holidays... Every time we go home to family, well...... we slack off. We eat off schedule and really whatever we want. Which then takes us way off track towards our goals. Now I have planned already upon making it back that we will be going to a sams club and buying our food. I will also be prepping my meals to keep

me on track and having a better chance against temptation. However when we do have birthday dinners and holidays, we will skip prepping those days. Here is the great part about that though, we have something that will help us not gain weight, and ease our guilt when we do over eat at the events! Want to know what our secret is?

Which I know you do not know what the heck these are, so let me explain!
Think of a fat torch inside of a bottle! Yeah, it is that serious! Two pills will burn 300 calories! Doesn't sounds like much? Think of it like this; you can run on a treadmill at 3.5 for an hour, You can jump rope for 30 minutes, you can play hopscotch for 50 minutes or even play Frisbee for 80 minutes to just burn 300 calories! So think back on when you ate something and you started to think 'how much of something' you have to do, to burn those calories.... Yeahhh makes you feel bad and wish you never ate it. This is why I love thermoplus and will be keeping inside of my purse this holiday season!
I do not know about you... but carbs make me cringe. Not because I do not like them [because I LOVE them] but because 'bad' carbs, go straight to my hips!!! This includes pasta, breads and deserts! [yeahh..... all of what the holidays consit of!!] Can you relate? Now what if I told you I have something that when you eat those carbs, it will burn off those 'bad' carbs that you know, go places they shouldn't; before they even absorb into your body! Meaning, you only get the good stuff your body needs! Talk about a lifesaver ! All the pasta... bread.... deserts you want!! Oh my !
Those are my holiday lifesavers! Even my every day life savers! [Plus more I won't tell you about yet *wink*] So what is it that you are doing this holiday season to help yourself!?
Get some thermoplus here-BURN THAT FAT!
Get some carbease-plus here- NO TIRE TUMMY HERE !

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