Sep 12, 2015

11 things you should do EVERY morning!

Good afternoon everyone! Remember all the planning I told you I was doing for this weekend? well..... it is out the window. [Yeah yeah I know. All that planning..] The other day Raul was offered to stay a extra week here to finish his projects. Me being extremely ready to go, I said no way. So our weekend and week in consisting of very early mornings and late nights so Raul can get all of his projects out of the way [While trying to fit in gym time and hunting to fill our tags.] Which is fine, we are still coming home Friday! Wooohoooo.

Now I have a question for you. How do you start your mornings? And how does it help function your day? Are you succeeding, failing or constantly in the same position not moving? It is crazy to me on how you function your morning, really determines how you succeed or fail. Don't believe me? reflect back on when you were most successful and tell me what it is that you did different then. Don't worry, I have gone back and forth many times but thing is, I know what it takes every single morning to walk on the right path and become successful. You should also. If not, let me tell you a few things.

❤ Wake up earlier. Sleeping in actually puts stress on your body and brain. When waking up early vs sleeping in, you give your body and mind the ability to relax and go though out the day with ease. Plus early bird gets the worm.

❤ Avoid any technology for the first hour. [This Is one I have a tough time getting into the habit of but makes a world of difference.] Take control of your morning. Wake up, get into a great mindset. Have some YOU time.

❤ Drink some ice cold water! There is nothing more that wakes me up feeling refreshed than  drink of cold water! Plus it helps speed up my metabolism for the day.

❤ Get up and read. I personally find reading very relaxing. Waking up and either reading a personal development book or my bible, it makes for a good day and gets my mind working first thing.

❤ Make your bed! I heard this from an extremely successful man. He said, if you want to be successful; wake up every morning and let making your bed be one of the first things you do!

❤ MOVE! Seriously, get up and stretch, put on some music and dance or go workout! My days go best and more smooth when I am working out in the mornings. It truly sets the tone for the whole day.

❤ Eat a good breakfast! You need to fuel your body and brain! Have you heard that breakfast is the most important part of the day? It is true!

❤ Fell gratitude. [seriously!] Before my feet hit the floor I am praying to God and just thanking him for blessing me with the new day he has and all that I have. Doing this gives me a sense of peace, comfort and happiness!

❤ Plan your day. "If you don't plan, you plan to fail.' simple as that.

❤ Leave yesterday behind. There is never any reason to carry on yesterdays troubles or thoughts on to today. NO REASON! It is a new day with new opportunities, go get them!

❤ Say positive affirmation. The mind is a wonderful thing! Tell yourself, 'I am great!', 'I am beautiful.', 'today will be a wonderful day.'. Just keep telling yourself positive things and watch how your day changes!

Don't believe me? Try it in the morning ! (: God Bless and have a wonderful weekend!

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