Twenty-One years ago on June 30th 1994, I was welcomed into this world with a mommy and daddy wrapped around my finger being their miracle surprise child.. And well with a 6 year old sister at the time was probably asking, 'How do we make it go back in?'. Growing up as a child was wonderful though. Being the tomboy I was, meant there was never a moment I was not into something or making something. [I think I got that from my daddy who has been a handy man his whole life.] I started playing in sports when I was five. [Basketball; 13 years. | DrillTeam; 6 | Volleyball; 3] Oh yeah and I did tap dance for a day...... Thanks mom.. I also enjoy everything fitness, summer night backroading, the ourdoors, Texas, Cici's buffalo pizza, volunteering, and new adventures. I work as a fitness enthusiast, [Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist, AdvoCare Advisor] and adding on as I go. Of course as I continued to grow up, moved around and entered different schools, I hit some trials and tribulations, some set backs, and big heart aches. Those I am all extremely blessed because they have made me into the woman I am today and built the relationship I have now with my one and only God above.

I got married at the age of nineteen to the most amazing husband Raul Zuniga on December 26th, 2013. [Probably thinking, seriously nineteen?. Yupp, and I am as happy as I am today as I was going on two years ago.] We met on myspace when we were 13 [me] and 14 [him]. A few months before I decided to move to good ol' Corsicana, TX. *Surprise, surprise, this is where Raul was living. Born and Raised* We had ran into one another after a tennis game, not fully recognizing each other right off the back until I went ahead and asked, 'are you Raul?'. Hearing him reply and then me screaming and hugging him. We then dated for awhile, kinda fell off, didn't talk for a couple years [although he still stuck around with my family and went on vacation with them while I didn't. yeahhhhhh, I still think to this day they like him better. hahahha] But my graduation day I got a facebook message from him congratulating me and asking about my plans now. We continued to talk every day, hours on end and it seemed like we were still that 13 and 14 year olds talking about what will we name our kid [Levi] and getting married. That is when I had set in my mind, 'I am going to marry this man'. As you see now, I got what I want. hahah. We now have a beautiful headache of a four legged baby named Cash and a precious Angel watching over us every day [4-1-2015 <3]. ((You can check out our whole story and loss of our child on my blog post.))
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