This is something however that we talked about when we first found out we were having a baby. "should we wait to tell our parents till we get it confirmed on a sonogram that every thing is okay?", "do we wait till the 12 week mark to announce it to the world?'. It just did not makes sense to me to do this. Our child only at a couple days shy of five weeks, IS STILL HUMAN! He/she is a life. And if our child is only here to live in my womb for a short amount of time or to be born into this life for however long, I will celebrate and I will love my child. Keeping quite and waiting does not 'protect me.'
There is something though that did happen when I first found out I was pregnant. This is how it went.
I go into the bathroom to take a test, almost immediately, there was a positive. Hands began to shake... Tears filled my eyes. I was hit with so many emotions at once! I was so happy [we have prayed about this! we wanted this!], excitement [I am pregnant again!], Fright [What if I miscarry again?], Worry [Raul just finished school and we do not have a steady paycheck.] But then I started to pray. [Lord, thank you. Thank you for blessing me with a child. thank you for letting me be a mother again.. Thank you.]
I then collected myself enough, went to my room and texted Raul to come here. [he was in the living room with my parents.] Walking in, I told him to sit down. "I took a pregnancy test.... It is positive.", I said. In silence but with a huge smile Raul hugged me tight. He then asked how I feel. My words? SCARED! However as soon as those words left my lips I could not answer 'why' I was scared. Was I scared of losing another child? Honestly.... No. I then began to say, "You know what.. There is no reason to be afraid.. I am seriously just so happy and blessed to have the opportunity again to carry a child. To be a mother. That, I will forever hold on to!"
We then told my parents and sister the next day then Raul's family. Making sure they were the first ones to hear, and now; YOU! I am calling to set my first sonogram appointment for this week hopefully so I can have a sonogram to show family at the party this Sunday! And to how we are doing things? We are carrying on to this pregnancy like we are going full term and celebrating every single day. We are thinking of names, we are buying things now that we see on a good sale, we are making plans and brainstorming, we are taking pictures, scheduling appointments, we are doing everything! Yes we know a miscarriage is possibly but,
"God did not give me a spirit of FEAR but a spirit of power, love and a sound mind!"
-Timothy 1:7-
So, I will not be shaken. I am a mother now of two babies, I pray for my health and my babies health daily [more than once.... or five times. hahhah]. I pray for guidance, faith, a sound mind, hope, and the ability to be the mother God wants me to be. And, I would appreciate if you would keep my family in your prayers as we continue on this journey on bringing a new life into this world! God has a plan for us. And although he knew we were not ready 13 months ago, he just might think we are ready now! (:
Oh and based on this Chinese calendar thing that is "65% accurate", we will have a girl!
We shall see!
Have a wonderful week everyone! God bless! <3 (:
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