And with me not being the one that can stick with the same routine and not get burned out on it... I decided to switch my mornings up with jumping rope instead of the morning run around my neighborhood. Which went amazing I might add.
When I started though I noticed something. I was sweating already before five minutes.... Which is a huge deal for me. Not because I do not like sweat [because I could care less. Sweat does not bother me] but it takes a lot for me to sweat! No matter how hard I go with resistance training, It takes me about an 45 min-hour to start sweating... Running in a 5k? I don't start sweating till mile two... So when I started sweating jump roping through only one song, I started to think back on all the benefits it offers! Which are some pretty amazing ones!
-It's not just your heart, lungs and muscles that get a benefit from using a jump rope; your brain and nervous system will also reap rewards.-It is great for your calves, ankle joints, knees, thighs, butt, abs, shoulders, arms, and other muscles!
-It is an excellent calorie burner!
-Improves your cardiovascular system!
- Tones muscles and creates definition.
-Get a full body workout in!
-Builds stamina.
-Great for eye-hand coordination, lateral movements, speed and agility.
Not enough?
-Running 5 miles burns about 596 calories. Jumping rope for an hour, 744 calories.
-Jumping rope at a moderate pace for 10 minutes is equal to; A 12 minute mile, cycling two miles in 6 minutes, two sets of tennis or 18 holes of golf.
[Do each for a minute in order. Rest for no more than a minute and go again [3 times]
-In & outs
-High knees
-Heel toe jumps
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