Today is a day that many people do not get to see with their parents. This day being my parents 29th anniversary. Which divorce in my family, [grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.] is something unheard of. With being a part of that 29 years of marriage for 21 years now; has been an honor. Witnessing their love, their hard times, best times and new experiences has taught me so much. And I know on most anniversaries all you say is, 'happy XX anniversary' but I want to do something different. I do want to wish my parents a wonderful 29th anniversary and hope it is filled with all the love in the world. But I also want to share 16 things that my parents have
Aug 30, 2015
16 Things my parents taught me about love and marriage. [Happy 29th anniversary!]
Today is a day that many people do not get to see with their parents. This day being my parents 29th anniversary. Which divorce in my family, [grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.] is something unheard of. With being a part of that 29 years of marriage for 21 years now; has been an honor. Witnessing their love, their hard times, best times and new experiences has taught me so much. And I know on most anniversaries all you say is, 'happy XX anniversary' but I want to do something different. I do want to wish my parents a wonderful 29th anniversary and hope it is filled with all the love in the world. But I also want to share 16 things that my parents have
Aug 26, 2015
Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit. [Glute workout]

Aug 25, 2015
8 Reasons Women Should Lift Weights.
Being a personal trainer I hear a lot of insights on what people personally think about when it comes to things in fitness. One of the top things that brings opinions and worries in discussion would be weight training. 'I don't want to get bulky.", "I don't want to look manly." or "lifting weights will make me gain weight.". There are so many excuses reasons people shy away from weights. Well I am here to tell you that the worries you have, are not valid.
Quick Outdoor Field Workout.

Aug 24, 2015
Say 'bye' to soda and 'hello' weight loss [30 day challenge]
I honestly about cringe to the sight of soda.... Which growing up, I drank sodas. Might have been more of a sweet tea kind of girl but I drank them. Once I got into middle school and high school though, that kind of stopped. Then once I graduated and got into the fitness/body building lifestyle, the consumption of sodas completely stopped. I was so amazed and so surprised on how it made me feel without them and the results I got, I have not went back to them. When training clients now and having people come to me asking for advice the number one thing we always talk about it current lifestyle. 'What is it that you are putting into your body on a daily basis?'. I do not even go into the exercise portion until I know first how their body is ran. Like I was told, 'You cannot out run your fork.' Which is very true by the way. 9.5 times out of 10, the person will say they drink sodas or other sugary drinks. Which we continue to go into discussion about. The big one that opens eyes is, you can honestly lose 15-30 pounds just by dropping soda! This is with no exercise or no additional changes in diet. 15-30 pounds by just stopping one simple thing! Crazy I know. There are also tons of other reasons to drop the sodas
Aug 21, 2015
Conqure Your Gym Intimidation!
Almost two years ago I would walk into 24hourfitness, head down and go straight to a empty area. I usually went to the personal trainers area if no one was there or into the class room when it was empty. Why? because I was very intimidated. By the people, what they would think, how weak I was, how small, and even intimidated by the weights. I thought, 'now what do I do with these and not look stupid..?' I honestly did this for months! I hated it too. I would cut workouts short because people would come in. I would stop going 100% because I thought of what they might be thinking. I missed the gym a couple times because it looked like there were too many cars. Yeah, I did all of that. All because I was intimidated. Things would have been different however if only someone told me what I am about to tell you before I figured it out on my own.
Aug 18, 2015
A year of mourning, hope and happiness. [BabyZ]
I have thought for weeks to write on this subject. Really on what do I say... and well like any other post, I just have to speak from the heart. Say what it is that I truly feel. This month on facebook I started getting the 'Look back on memories a year ago today', seeing these brought back tons of emotions, dreams, and thoughts. It was a year ago today [August 18th, 2014] that I lost my child. Really is a hard thought to swallow... [If you have not read about my miscarriage story, you can do so here. I wont be going into detail over it all again.] During the journey of my pregnancy, miscarriage and recovery I ended up helping others who have went through the process too. Not by what I have said to them [some I had no clue had encountered the same thing] but by how I handled the loss of my child instead. If you knew me and followed me this time last year, you more likely seen the process and probably even sent words of encouragement, prayer and love. And if you did, thank you so much! Being a year later now, I
Aug 3, 2015
Weekend full of blessings. [Marvelous Monday]
Howdy ! I truly hope you had a wonderful weekend. For the first time sense I think I was in school I am asking, 'where did the weekend go?!'. It did not fly by [it really went by perfectly] but boy was it a wonderful weekend! This was mine and Raul's first [settled] in weekend and we made the best out of it.
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