Aug 3, 2015

Weekend full of blessings. [Marvelous Monday]

Howdy ! I truly hope you had a wonderful weekend. For the first time sense I think I was in school I am asking, 'where did the weekend go?!'. It did not fly by [it really went by perfectly] but boy was it a wonderful weekend! This was mine and Raul's first [settled] in weekend and we made the best out of it.

Friday: Raul got out of class earlier than usual so we got down to things. Made some dinner, went to the gym and took cash to the dog park. Although after that we did not follow with the plans of movies in the park [nothing but small kids] we went ahead and grabbed some food to take home with us and watched Netflix. Was really a relaxing day!

Saturday: We hit up some Billings, Montana exploring! After hearing about a little diner in downtown with the awesome pancakes called Stella's. I had to tell Raul to go there! [I know we weren't suppose to cheat...] The post I read said the pancakes were the bomb and bigger than your face! Sounds crazy enough to make you want to see huh? Well..... that was a understatement!
Big huh? The pictures are not even close to really showing you how big they are. They are the same size o about a medium pizza! Now I only ate 1/4th of my two, Raul ate half of his. Which he had eggs and bacon also.  I attempted to get one of their cinnamon rolls also which are two times my first size [not joking] however I was too full to even think about it! After we hit up the farmers market downtown and found this treasure for only ONE BUCK!!!!!e
Later that evening we even ended up buying me a new gun! [After we have been looking at some for awhile now, we found one.] Raul had bought me a 22 when I was like 13 for my birthday so we figured it was time for a upgrade! Which ended up being a gorgeous 22-250.
He is a beauty huh? Immediately after buying it we drove out to a free shooting range here to pop off a few rounds. Being park already we made the plan to go Sunday morning.

Sunday: What better way to start a day than waking up at 5am to shoot some rounds! I told Raul when buying the 22-250, 'our marriage just went to a new level.' which I fully believed once we hit the range. It is a completely new bonding experience. Which I may not be the men he served with and bonded through that, but it sure feels good to be his shooting buddy and he actually enjoy my company in it. [plus, I am killer. haha]
Raul's custom 308 and my 22-250
While getting everything sighted in, we started hitting some targets. I started off with about three warm up rounds at 100 yards then Raul decided to take me out to 200. Come to Raul's surprise, I am hitting things on first shot. Then finding a baby orange in the car we then took it out 200 yards, slightly missing on the first shot being off in its sight, we readjusted and pow! Got it! [Boy do I tell you the adrenaline rush I get and the happiness also seeing this huge smile on Raul's face and hearing how proud he is of me!]
Talk about some wonderful bonding time together! After this, we hit the road to go fishing! Now the drive up there was a headache. I won't go into detail but being stuck on the side of the road for two hours, was not a blast! Finally we made it though [suppose to be a morning fish however turned into a evening fish!]
8 hours of being on the water was very refreshing! Seeing the guys pull out fish was also great till about 6.5 hours in and I still never got a nibble. [Using the same exact bate they were and only three fit apart, still nothing!] however finally I did get a fish! One and only one out of the 8 hours.. Which explains my excitement in the picture!
Needless to say though, the weekend was amazing!! Spent the way we both enjoy. Plus I got a awesome/painful sunburn which will turn into a nice tan! What's better than that!?
I can't forget also it is Monday! Which this week will be life changing so I am completely excited!
  • Happy 2 years of dating to Raul and I on Wednesday! Which is big because finally after being apart for anniversaries, we are able to spend them together. We do plan on going out to eat after school, we are thinking Texas Roadhouse! After we plan on hitting the range again to shoot then fishing out of this beautiful lake right up the road from us. Maybe even some froyo after to end the day, who knows!
  • I am leaving Montana to fly back home to Texas early Thursday morning for the weekend. I will be flying back here Sunday. I do hate so much to be leaving Raul and Cash here but I am excited also to see my family.
  • Friday, Saturday & Sunday I am going to be at AdvoCare Success School! This is where my life is going to change and get Raul and I to making a 6 figure income. You just watch! I will be posting a blog about this if I can possibly put it into words!
  • Sunday night I will be back in Montana with the wonderful husband! Which I told to make me a sign and bring flowers. [we will see how that goes. hahha]
So here is my great week/weekend coming up! I hope yours is as great and life changing as mine will be. Share with me some great things that happened over your weekend and you have coming up! I would love to hear.

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