Now most people will not say flat out, 'I am intimidated.' Instead they will see about every other excuses or maybe go but never get out of their comfort zone. So no need to tell me you are or are not. Just take what I am about to say now and use it! It works, I promise.
- Take a tour! They usually gives these upon getting a membership. If they offer you one, take it! What this did when having a good tour will explain why equipment is grouped together. [which is by muscle group] They will show their classes, pool, sauna, stretching, basketball courts, etc. Being familiar with where things are helps a ton when walking into a gym. Save yourself from looking lost and this will also help in taking that excuse of, 'well I don't know where anything is so ill just stick with cardio.'
- Educate yourself and go in with a plan! I was able to ask Raul on this part. ['what would work this? I want this, what do I need to do?'' would this work?'] Other things I used was pinterest and youtube which helped also. Educating myself of exercised, machines and muscle groups made the planning part so simple! Taking all the exercises for each group, picking out about 4-6 of them and writing down some reps and sets. Now when it comes time for the gym, you are ready. There is no lost look or question on what now. You have a plan!

- Just calm down... In your head you are thinking of the million things that could [but never] will go wrong. Your doubting and already counting yourself out before even giving it a chance. Take a deep breath. Say, 'I can do this' and go.
- Buddy up or get a trainer! Having someone taking the journey with you even if they have not taken it yet either, makes it easier. So get a hold of someone. Working together as a team takes a lot of the intimidation off. You are not doing it alone, you have that extra push and if you mess up or feel embarrassed; hey you aren't alone at it so do not feel bad. Having someone with experience also will guide you, teach you and work with you through the process. Not just learning equipment, exercises, muscles, routines but also the support and motivation.

- Avoid peak hours. In general I hate gym peak hours. To someone with gym intimidation also, peak hours would be a night mare ! They are so crowded... Sooo mannyyyy peoplleeeee. [waiting on weights -___-] Get my point? Now most peak hours are 5am-8am and 4pm-7pm. Try and avoid those.
- Put those headphones on! I think this is what helped me the most. From the moment I walked into the gym, my headphones went on. Doing this; you get zoned it, focused, and even pumped [depending on your playlist] Think of it as if you played sports. Before a game you put on your headphones, get pumped up to your playlist and get focused as you wait for the game. Some people even do It during the warm up. I did this in sports and still do in my fitness also. You become in your own world. Nothing else seems to be there or even matter.

- Don't compare and forget the others! In all seriousness, forget about them. So what they look at you or talk about you. So what if the gym is packed. So what if he or she is bigger, more toned or swole. I don't care if the woman across the gym has a booty like Nicki Minaj or the guy has a body like Arnold. Forget them, they won't build the body you want for you and go to work.
- Find a gym that fits 'you'. There are soooo many gyms. Some offer more than others and some even have different regulations. I do not like a small gym because it means if there are even a handful of people; you won't have weights. I prefer sauna, basketball courts, free weights, machines, classes, and a training area. There are gyms also [or I should say A GYM] that will ease your intimidation. It is called planet fitness. Hit it up! [Couldn't resist on the picture. hahha]

- JUST GO DO IT! Take all the advice or don't. Either way, just get out and do it. You can, I believe in you. Remember everyone started somewhere and progress will come. There is nothing to be afraid of. I can tell you now 100 percent of the people at the gym, don't care what you are doing. Honest truth. So why care what they think? You got this! You can do it! Now GO!
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