Not many women will put 16 inch biceps, split chest or bigger more defined traps on their list of 'goals' when it comes to the desired body image. [ Those who do are about a 1 for 30 women in this world. ]However when it comes to a flat tummy and
big booty, those hit number one on the list. I get it all the time, 'how can I lose my tummy but keep/grow my booty'. Although you cannot target point areas of your body to lose weight because if you have fat there, you have it other places. Which is a completely different discussion. So women all over are chasing the #bootygainz. I am not going to lie, as am I. Who wouldn't want a beautiful butt though? Exactly. When searching you will also see many different ways to get the 'booty of your dreams' by doing these exercises or eating these foods. Which I am going to show you some exercises that I follow. I will not go into detail over foods however I will give you a workout program to do anywhere! It is short and easy so would be the perfect workout when getting out of bed, during your lunch break or jumping into the shower.
Simple enough right? If wanting great results, I challenge you to for 30 days to do this circuit workout 4 times a week. When the workout starts to become easier, add weights if you can. And do not forget to squeeze them cheeks !!
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