Aug 25, 2015

Quick Outdoor Field Workout.

This morning in the Zuniga household we decided to switch things up. Being less than a month from now we will be back in Texas till the start of the new year. We decided during this time we would push ourselves beyond our limits to see what progress we can make physically in a short amount of time. So our morning dog park trip sitting on the bench or walking two laps, is over. There is a very nice soccer field directly beside the dog park that I had the bright idea, 'hey why don't we hit up some high intensity cardio in the mornings there instead of going to the gym in the morning too? Cash will still get to play and we will get some exercise in." I thought this was a great idea! I wrote up the circuit workout last night and read it off to Raul. His response, 'so we pretty much go until we puke right?" He was correct. [When designing programs for us or myself I always think of the quote, "If it doesn't scare you, it is not heavy enough. This is a quote I put to almost everything. You have to get out of your comfort zone and push yourself to greatness.]  So we woke up at 7:00 this morning, grabbed our spark and hit the door.
Being extremely sore from legs Sunday we warmed up with a lap around the soccer field and got into our workout! And it is your lucky day because I am about to share that workout with YOU! I am doing this for those who are wanting to switch up their workout, take your fitness outside of the gym, want something new or just wanting a challenge ! So get your pen and paper ready.
[SIDE NOTE: I had no clue soccer fields were that big......]
Warm up:
          Jog two laps then stretch.
      1. Back pedal to the end of the soccer field
          Stop: 20 high knees, 20 squat jumps, 20 pushups, 20 triceps dips
          Karaoke slide back to the start.
          Stop: 20 high knees, 20 squat jumps, 20 pushups, 20 triceps dips
      2. Bear crawl to the end.
          Stop: 20 high knees, 20 squat jumps, 20 pushups, 20 triceps dips
          Side Shuffle back to the start.
          Stop: 20 high knees, 20 squat jumps, 20 pushups, 20 triceps dips
      3. Lunge to the end.
          Stop: 20 high knees, 20 squat jumps, 20 pushups, 20 triceps dips
          Sprint back to the start.
          Stop: 20 high knees, 20 squat jumps, 20 pushups, 20 triceps dips
[You can adjust the reps to your ability. Push yourself !]
Cool down:
         Jog one lap.
         Abs: Bicycles, sit ups, elbow to knee twist, Heel touches, Plank. [do till failure!]
Think you can do it? I KNOW YOU CAN! Hit the field!

1 comment :

  1. ok today is day 3 of no soda at all switch to water now work out gym for 1 hr a day 5 days week today is 10/26/2023 want she what change there will be my weight is 296lb and iam 6'4 never worked out before so i will keep you up dated on my progress. willie
