Aug 24, 2015

Say 'bye' to soda and 'hello' weight loss [30 day challenge]

I honestly about cringe to the sight of soda.... Which growing up, I drank sodas. Might have been more of a sweet tea kind of girl but I drank them. Once I got into middle school and high school though, that kind of stopped. Then once I graduated and got into the fitness/body building lifestyle, the consumption of sodas completely stopped. I was so amazed and so surprised on how it made me feel without them and the results I got, I have not went back to them. When training clients now and having people come to me asking for advice the number one thing we always talk about it current lifestyle. 'What is it that you are putting into your body on a daily basis?'. I do not even go into the exercise portion until I know first how their body is ran. Like I was told, 'You cannot out run your fork.' Which is very true by the way. 9.5 times out of 10, the person will say they drink sodas or other sugary drinks. Which we continue to go into discussion about. The big one that opens eyes is, you can honestly lose 15-30 pounds just by dropping soda! This is with no exercise or no additional changes in diet. 15-30 pounds by just stopping one simple thing! Crazy I know. There are also tons of other reasons to drop the sodas
Do you honestly know what is in that drink and what it does to your body?
  • Liver damage
  • Tooth decay
  • Kidney stones
  • Diabetes
  • Heartburn and acid reflux
  • Osteoporosis
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Stomach and digestion problems.
Bad I know. If you are drinking soda, this is the worst and most harmful thing in your diet. But hey, you've seen the other positive research on soda right!?
  • Removes rust from metal surfaces
  • Cleans burnt pots and pans
  • Replenish your lawn
  • Removes oil stains from garage floor
  • Takes away grease stains from fabric
  • Eliminates slugs from patios
  • Used to defrost your windshield
  • Clean away battery acid
Now tell me again why you are drinking it? I think I rest my case. So lets get to kicking soda to the curb and welcoming in a whole lot of good!!!! [FYI. You will have withdraws, fight through it!]

  1. Find new drinks besides soda and keep them with you EVERYWHERE you go. I always recommend nothing but water. There are no grey areas with water. However many say they 'hate' just water. Well you know they now have these awesome things you squeeze into your water that are full of vitamins and no sugar!? They sell them absolutely everywhere. Get some! If you are someone who needs that caffeine boost? Grab some tea or coffee. Me personally, I grab my spark. Does more than great and still healthy for me.
  2. Give up gradually. Going cold turkey will not work for all or even for the majority. If you drink like 8 a day, cut of 2 a day till you get down to one then cut that one into 1/2, then 1/4. Tada, cut loose from it.
  3. Save your money and treat yourself! Once you completely stop with sodas; every day you go without, add the money you would have spent in a jar. Which say you drink one soda a day. You stop at the nearest store and grab one for $2. If you were to stop completely for this 30 day challenge you will have $60 saved up to treat yourself.... This is a new outfit to fit that new body because you just lost weight!
  4. Find a buddy. Accountability in anything makes a world of a difference! So grab a buddy and take on the challenge!
Now just adjust the challenge to your daily intake of soda! You can do it! Trust me when I say this is very simple!

Day 1: Drink 2 and 3/4
Day 2: Drink 2 and 1/2
Day 3: Drink 2 and 1/4
Day 4: Drink 2
Day 5: Drink 1 and 3/4

So on and so forth..... Get the point?
Continue on with this through out the whole challenge. As said before adjust to you soda intake and work down!

Closing point: This is not to say good bye to soda forever but breaking a soda habit! I want you for the full challenge to not drink one but every so often [every other weekend or every weekend] treat yourself to ONE! As my mom did this one thing I would always say is, ' once you stop and decide to drink one again, it will not taste the same. So take the challenge, shed some pounds and live a healthier lifestyle. Send me in your results, I would love to see them!

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