Jul 20, 2016

"You're not welcomed here." [Gym Body Shaming]

I'm hurt deeply. I'm hurt almost every single time I step into a gym. Why? Because of this thing called body shaming. It is bad enough we do it to ourselves every single day but at the gym? This should not happen! The gym should be a second home, a release, a place of comfort and motivation! Not a place that gives you this overwhelming anxiety and fear! I can see it by the looks on peoples face and I can even feel it coming down onto me at times. You read it on the internet [as I have had 4 friends just this week post statuses about "this is the reason I workout at home!"] the articles, the smirks at the gym, whispers in the corner or the eyes you feel burning a whole in the back of your head. Thing is though, body shaming doesn't come in just a 'one size'. Obese people are body shamed and even fit people are body shamed.

Feb 3, 2016

At Home Workout For Starters.

At home workouts are becoming / are now a hot topic and a top question with almost everyone I come in contact with. Many of my clients online and at the gym ask me about this. "I want to start working out from home but I really don't know what to do.". Sound familiar? I hear it almost daily and honestly I absolutely love it. I know time can be short when having to drive all the way to a gym, the weather isn't the best to take a workout outside or just so many other factors that can come into play. So it makes working out at home and having a plan to do so, that much better when faced with reasons you can't make it to the gym.

Feb 1, 2016

Gym Motivation Form The Pros!

Getting to the gym can be tough sometimes. For whatever reason or excuse there might be, some times it just does not happen. And I can sit here all day to give you advice or tips on how to go to the gym and get the best workout there is, but it may just go in one of your ears and out of the other. So I did some searching and found something. It is an article I find motivating and informing also! It is hearing from pros themselves on getting to the gym! Listen up,

Dress The Part:
"Whenever I feel like I want to skip a session, I motivate myseld with a little fitness fashion show. I actually start to try on cute fitness outfits [some faves are lululemon, onzie and Nike]. Playing dress up helps me get motivate each and every time! If it is the weekend and I am running errands. I will put on super cute workout pants, so I am already dressed and setting that mood"
—Dasha Libin, Founder, Kettlebell Kickboxing

Jan 31, 2016

Strength & Cardio Circuit. [Beginners]

Many people stray away from circuit training. Either of it being the unknown or just it being 'challenging' in a way. I really do not want you to shy away from this type of training so let me explain exactly a few things about it. 

Jan 24, 2016

Common grocery store mistakes with solutions.

As a health coach, I have noticed that my clients often unknowingly make mistakes at the 
grocery store that ultimately sabotage their healthy-eating routines. [If you are someone 
who does also, it is okay. Many of us do. As I did the same thing before joining this field.]
 So I am going to just put out there a handful of the most common grocery store mistakes
 along with some very easy solutions.

10 days is all it takes. [lose 3-10 pounds!]

Lets be real. Everyone wants a quick fix, a magic pill or something that will give them the body they want in the matter of minutes or even over night. Trust me when I say that I understand because many times I want the same exact thing. However things like this that are a 'quick fix' usually are not healthy.. Sucks I know, but I do have something for you that is almost a quick fix and is healthy!!! All it will take is just ten day.

Jan 20, 2016

22 Weeks ! [Pregnancy Bump Update]

" A mothers joy begins when new life is stirring inside, when a tiny heart beat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone. "

The past week has really opened my mind up a lot on some things. Sense Raul has left to Montana and well it is just baby girl and I. [Till about March, 20th something.] Ever sense he has left also, she has been extremely active kicking and turning like crazy. And when she hears his voice, oh my does she get rolling! I have also bought her crib [which I took back down so Raul and I could put it up together.] I even picked out the fabric for her glider also. I will be making her some clothes soon also, booking some pregnancy classes and planning my baby shower (: [talk about trying to distract myself.]

I am however thankful that now her kicks are harder, they are not just flutters anymore. And that is constantly giving me reminders that I am not alone. As I lay there now at night, I think how blessed I am to have my best friend with me every single day and every moment. It helps a ton with Raul being away.

Some more awesome news also is,