Many people stray away from circuit training. Either of it being the unknown or just it being 'challenging' in a way. I really do not want you to shy away from this type of training so let me explain exactly a few things about it.
First of all, circuit training is a form of body conditioning and/or resistance training using high-intensity and what it does is targets strength building and muscular endurance. Another amazing benefit of circuit training is that it burns more than 30 percent of calories. That is about 10 calories per MINUTE! And it shortens your gym sessions while being efficient. So really, why are you not incorporating circuit training into your routine.
Let me get you started! Here is a circuit for you to do!
Moving hip bridge;

lie on the floor with knees bent and feet hip-distance apart. Rest the arms along the sides of the body with the palms facing the floor. Life the hips upward to feel the contraction into the hamstrings, glutes and lower back. Hold for about three seconds and slowly release the hips back to the floor.
Need progression? Place feet on a BOSU or stability ball.
Elevated push ups;

Elevate a Smith machine bar (or find an elevated surface) to the appropriate height. Position hands wider than shoulder-width apart and perform push-ups with elbows bending to 90 degrees.
Progression: Lower the bar.
Jumping jacks;

Have clients perform standard jumping jacks for the designated time period.

Stand tall with feet hip- to shoulder-distance apart. Raise arms to shoulder height in front of the body. Lower the hips into a squat position, bringing the thighs as close to parallel with the floor as possible. Return to standing tall and repeat.
Progression: Add load to the exercise.
Elevated body weight rows;

Elevate a Smith machine bar (or find an elevated surface) to the appropriate height. Place your hands palms-up and shoulder-width apart on the bar; elbows should be near the sides of the body. Position the feet forward and shoulder-distance apart. Row the body toward the bar and return to the starting position.
Progression: Lower the bar or use a TRX Suspension Trainer.

Assume an all-fours position with the hands shoulder-width apart and the knees hip-distance apart. Extend the legs and place weight on the balls of the feet. Keep the core braced and breathe deeply. To aide the plank, keep the feet hip-distance apart.
Progression: Drive alternating knees toward the chest.
Reverse lunge;

Position the body upright with feet hip-distance apart. Step the right leg back into a lunge position and return the leg to center. Next, step the left leg behind into a lunge position and return the leg to center. Continue alternating legs.
Progression: Add an external load such as dumbbells.
Lateral skis

From a standing position, hop to the right with the right leg and let the left leg follow, stepping behind. Next, hop to the left with the left leg and let the right leg follow, stepping behind. Continue the side-to-side motion for the designated time period.
20 minute workout Circuit!
- Jog in place - 1:00
- Elevated push ups - 30 sec
- Squats - 30 sec
- Elevated body weight rows - 30 sec
- jog in place - 1:00
- Plank - 30 seconds
- Hip bridge - 30 seconds
- Jog in place - 1:00
- Jumping Jacks - 30 seconds
- Reverse lunge - 30 seconds
- Lateral skis - 30 seconds
- Jog in place - 1:00
- REST- 2:00
Repeat x2
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