Feb 3, 2016

At Home Workout For Starters.

At home workouts are becoming / are now a hot topic and a top question with almost everyone I come in contact with. Many of my clients online and at the gym ask me about this. "I want to start working out from home but I really don't know what to do.". Sound familiar? I hear it almost daily and honestly I absolutely love it. I know time can be short when having to drive all the way to a gym, the weather isn't the best to take a workout outside or just so many other factors that can come into play. So it makes working out at home and having a plan to do so, that much better when faced with reasons you can't make it to the gym.

So let me help you.

crunches.jpgCrunches. [ 10 ]
lay flat on your back, feet shoulder width apart.
Lift up with your chest, keeping your back flat on the ground and your chin up [not tucked]

hip raises.jpgHip Raises [ 10 ]
lay flat on your back, feet shoulder width apart and out to where your knees are bent to a 75 degree angle. \__ Lift up with you butt all the way and tighten your glutes for three seconds. Slowly let back down to the starting position.

jumping jacks.jpgJumping Jacks [ 10 ]
Stand with your feet together and your hands down by your side. In one motion jump your stand with your feet together and your hands down by your side. In one motion jump your feet out of the side and raise your arms above your head.

plank.jpgPlank [hold as long as you can]
Start by getting into a press up position, bend your elbows and rest your weight onto your forearms and not on your hands. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to ankle. Engage your core by sucking your belly button into your spine. Hold this position as long as you can. If too hard, go all the way up on both hands.

push ups.jpgAssisted push ups [ 10 ]
Start out flat on your stomach. Cross your legs at your ankles and move your hands beside your chest. Push up fully, extending your arms. Your body should be flat and not poking your butt out or back sinking it. [As shown in the pictures] Continue to bend at your elbows stopping when your chest is about a fist from the floor and come back up.

wall sits.jpgWall sits [hold as long as you can]
Find a sturdy wall and place your back fully against it. move your feet out in front of you enough where you can easily sit at a 45 degree angle. Slowly move down the wall into a sitting position. You should be sitting leveled enough where if I was to place a plate on your legs, it would not fall off. Hold this position.

How you should do this:
You can do these exercises in whatever order you may like, try to keep 30 seconds to one minute between each exercise.
Written beside each is the number of reps [ times to do the exercise ] and go through the circuit three times !


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