Can't you smell it? The love in the air! Just kidding that is all the pumpkin spice because we are in the holiday season! In all seriousness though, Raul and I are only less than two months away of celebrating our two year wedding anniversary! It seems so crazy how it has flown by but even more crazy that this will be our first anniversary together. So you're probably thinking, "y'all must have something great planned!!". uhhhhh, well, no. We are actually just booking a two day hotel somewhere and going to spend some quality time. What more could a woman ask for right? Time with her husband. (: With it being so close also I decided to play a game with Raul. I asked him twenty-one questions about me to see really what he thinks and I am not sharing those questions and answers with you!
Oct 29, 2015
Oct 21, 2015
How to recover from a binge!
Oh, hello there! Remember me? I cannot believe it has been WEEKS sense I last blogged. However I am gaining back some of my energy [woohoo] and actually feeling okay today. Needles to say, fatigue has been on a extreme high and morning all day sickness has taken over. I am back though! So what has been going on with me the past few weeks?
-Raul and I seen our beautiful baby heartbeat <3
-We have spent a lot of time together with weekends at my parents, fishing and just hanging out.
-Gone to many family get together's!
-Brainstorming on baby stuff.
-and MORE!
Which today I am officially in my third month of pregnancy! Three more weeks and I am out of the first trimester and only two more weeks till we see our baby again! Oh and something else so awesome, I ordered a fetal doppler this past Sunday, so come friday I will be listening to that sweet heart beat every morning and night! Needless to say, I am beyond excited!!!
-Raul and I seen our beautiful baby heartbeat <3
-We have spent a lot of time together with weekends at my parents, fishing and just hanging out.
-Gone to many family get together's!
-Brainstorming on baby stuff.
-and MORE!
Which today I am officially in my third month of pregnancy! Three more weeks and I am out of the first trimester and only two more weeks till we see our baby again! Oh and something else so awesome, I ordered a fetal doppler this past Sunday, so come friday I will be listening to that sweet heart beat every morning and night! Needless to say, I am beyond excited!!!
Oct 2, 2015
October: pregnancy/infant loss awareness month! [my story!]

"Please take your time to read all the way... although it may be long.
To the mother of a perfect Angel, and to the person who wouldn't understand;
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