1. What types of exercises should I do to lose my stomach tire/bat wings/big inner thighs?
unfortunately excess fat doesn't occur in a isolated area. 9 times out of 10; the hard truth is, if you got it there. You got it somewhere else. So when it comes to what exercise will get rid of it? There is not one. You cannot spot reduce. But what you can do that till help ALL your trouble areas. Those you see and do not see' is by exercise and proper nutrition.
After losing the excess fat though and you're wanting to tone up, this is where a strength training program designed just for that comes into play! [and where a personal trainer really comes handy.]
Need to Boost/help your fat loss?
2. How can I be bikini ready fast ! [by summer, two months spring break.]
By terms of bikini ready and time you have will vary and play a huge role in this. If you're talking about in three days rather than three months.... you will get extremely different results. However lets talk about things that can get you there! Cut salt and sugar out of your diet. unless they are healthy sugars from fruits. Eat 6 smaller healthier meals throughout the day, don't eat after 8pm, drink lots and lots of water [8, 16floz bottles a day!], pick up your exercise routine some, get the sleep your body needs! Also to get all the things you need you can also try these!
Only have ten days? Do this.
13 days and want to shred fat/tone up? Here you go.
24 days? This is it !!!
24 days with MAX results? Do this.
3. How much or how long do I need to work out?
This really all depends on your goal and where you are right now in your journey. However three days minimum a week is good. And how I learned going through my school is 150 minutes of moderate intensity cardio, 75 minutes vigorous, or a combination of both a week. Now when it comes to strength training it is two days a week. Again this changes on your goal and current health status. Looking to put on muscle or get definition? Work a body part once to two times a week. Also get a rest day, they are needed for your body to progress !!!
4. Should I lift or run first?
Honestly, there is a lot of debate about this but again, it all depends. Some believe weights before cardio leads to faster weight loss. However the results for cardio before or after for majority of people are the same. So it depends on you. I prefer cardio before. Why? Because honestly after I go ham on some weights.... I do not have the energy to run. Rather than running, getting my body going and then hitting some weights.
5. Do I really need to take supplements?
This is all based on your health!! But supplements can help your body proceed to your goal and better health. You just have to know what you are putting into it. Some supplements can help fight the feeling of fatigue making for a longer workout, replenish your body, increase strength, performance, muscle mass, power output, recovery, and help balance your diet. This is all things your personal trainer can teach you on or your doctor.
6. Why do I live by AdvoCare products?
Short and simple answer; because I know they work and are safe.
I use them daily, my husband uses them daily, my parents, grand parent, etc. I always say If I can put them into my three year old nephews body, should show I trust them.
You can even read here to hear my story or how I came into AdvoCare and how it has changed my life. -I screwed up.
7. What should I eat before and after a workout.
Now it only makes sense to have fuel before a workout but what is a good question. The best thing is a easily digested carb an hour or so before your workout. Try some dry fruit, yogurt, peanut butter. But not too much! However if a early morning cardio workout, this can be done on a empty stomach.
After? This is very important. You need to replish your body and feed your muscles after every workout. Eating a small snack high in protein and easily digested carbohydrate will be perfect. Than eat another meal two to three hours after.
8. How does online personal training work?
Well I do as a personal trainer at the gym would [ but for less money ] I construct a complete training program based on your goals. I take in the different variables from your goal, age, gender, experience, basal metabolic rate, daily calorie expenditure and design your one of a kind program to make sure you are reaching your goals! You will be getting the guidance and motivation you need to meet your goals. And this is all done ON YOUR TIME [Only online personal trainers can do that] I also provide meal plans, grocery list.I answer workout questions, supplement questions and concerns, nutritional questions, or whatever it is at all that goes towards your goals. I give you all the guidance and support you need.
9. What products do you use?
My daily products are; SPARK, MNS3, Meal Replacement Shakes, Rehydrate, Thermoplus, Catalyst, and Clear Mood !
10. Why can't I just do cardio?
While cardio is wonderful for building strong lungs and a strong heart. with many other benefits, it does not alone help build stronger muscle and bones! This is because your body adapts quickly to whatever you put on it. So while running unless you're adding weight or gaining it; nothing will change. So by adding strength training helps build stronger muscles and bones, widens the range of motion and works other muscles that honestly you did not know you have!
Sound familiar? Are these some questions that you were wondering yourself at a point and time?
If o, I hope I have helped clear up the foggy water, If you have a question I did not answer, ask ! (:
I would love to help!
Also visit my work facebook page for tip and advice. MZfitness
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