Everyone on social media usually shows the beauty in their life but never the darkness. They show how their life is truly so perfect but not really what is behind closed doors. Which don't get me wrong, I totally get. You do not want people to know your business. Or maybe you just want people to think you really have it all together [which we all know you really don't all of the time. it is okay.] However I am going to share something short with you that happened this morning and the morning before..... well really it happens a lot. But I get a lot of comments on it, joked about and asked how. And every time I sit there and think in my head. Gosh if you only knew. Then I think maybe it is because I put on this face, like this is so easy and I am the freaking bomb all of the time. Well..... I am not. And what I am talking about is how this fitness lifestyle is so easy. [Which this relates with life also.] I am going to be honest and real. I am going to speak from the heart and let you see the true me.
I am not going to give the whole background story on my fitness journey in detail. [ cancelling my gym membership, stopped weights, did Pilates, yoga, got into running, etc. ] I am going to try and keep this short and simple. However what I am going to say in the two years of my fitness journey, it has not been all roses and butterflies and today made it think back on that.
Every morning Cash wakes me up at 6:00 o'clock on the dang dot. I get up, open my door to let him out and then go back to bed. I did not use to do this, I would be the one waking him up at 5:30-6:00 to start the day but I got off track. I got sick of getting up early to go workout... I got sick of the routine. I got sick of the same healthy foods... I was just sick of it all. So I stopped. I began to sleep in, ate when and whatever I had wanted, I got lazy and I just did not care. Yeahh being honest I really did, not going to lie.
However I started thinking last night on a few things.
1. I did not feel the same.. I felt unhappy, depressed, gross. And I hated the way my body was starting to look.
2. I am a Personal Trainer and AdvoCare coach..... What kind of example is this...?
3. Raul is getting out soon... I want to be able to keep up with that man or give him a challenge for once. I mean come on.
4. Why just why? Why am I wasting my morning instead of doing something with it?
And you know there are those voices of, 'You can start Monday. It is in the middle of the week.', 'I don't have.....', etc. Well after last night I thought, 'I really need to stop making excuses and do what I know will make me happy. It might suck at first but I just have to do it.' So, I did.
This morning I woke up at 6 o'clock and went for a run. Now when Cash woke me up I laid there for a minute. Tried thinking of how sleepy I still was... But then thought, 'If I fall back asleep... then what? I wake up with a headache and seen my morning is halfway gone?'. I mean come on Miriah, this is why you have spark! So, I got up anyways.

I thought back on why I ran or worked out in the early morning, it is because the quietness. No one else is up, no cars out, seeing the sun rise, early morning breeze and just the peace. This was my early morning time with God. Blasting my favorite christian songs, praying and just going where the road takes me. After doing this again this morning and making it back home I realized I atually ran further than I usually do in my neighborhood [Woohoo, go me ! hahah]. That there made me feel good. I had a sense of accomplishment. Not that I ran further though but that I actually ran.
*Here I go making this post long.... I'll get to the point.*
The reason I am saying this though is because I do not always have it together. I am not 100 percent in my journey and I do not LOVE it all of the time. I mean really, fitness is not easy all the time. It comes with a lot... Early mornings or late nights, missing time out with friends and family, kicking your butt for hours a day, being tired, pushing your body to its limits, meal planning, meal prepping, lack of sleep, fluctuation in your body weight, new changes, soreness, stress, missing national doughnut and burger day [Come on... Who likes to miss those days...].... And at a point and time; it gets you. You get sick of it all and want a break. You don't jump at joy of the opportunity of it everyday. I do this! I have many times! And you know what,
That is okay. I am human!
Just as you are also! Fitness is a lot like life in general. It is not easy all the time. But you find reason and you push through it. You find your happiness, the beauty and life for the greater things; and you run with it! You will have those days where you do not want to get up and go. That you struggle to kick the excuses. and you are just simply worn out and tired. But again that is okay. You are okay. We all have our moments.
Act Justly | Love Mercy | Walk Humbly
Micah 6:8
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