Mar 9, 2015

I screwed up... [Marvelous Monday]

I thought "fast and easy" was best...

Just as sooo many people do now. 
If you follow me on social media, You have also seen me post the two middle pictures as my 'transformation'. And with this I have got soo many questions on how could you have been 'big and small to now being fit?' Well this is how...
This is ME! 
From Elementary, Middle school, High school and now two years after graduating. 
[No I did not mix any photos up and they are me.]
First picture is pretty funny huh? Thank you drill team !

Now how did I transition from 4 very different phases?
As growing up, you see in the first picture I was a TWIG ! Sooooo skinny and trust me I ate. We all know though...there is this thing called metabolism and 'growing up as a woman'. These hit me and oh boy they hit me hard. At this time it was the end of elementary school and going into middle school. I got involved in actual sports [basketball, volleyball. Sorry if you think 'drill team' is a actual sport.] and my family actually labeled me as 'healthy looking' at this time.
What did I think though? well..... when you're in locker rooms with a lot of girls and you see 'better bodies' then yours and you're the one sneaking into the bathrooms to get dressed.. You think different. I thought I was big. Although I felt great, I was athletic, I just seen otherwise.

*now pay attention this is why I say "I screwed up" and why I stress soooo much to people how the quick and easy [when you dont know what you are doing] IS NOT OK!*

Now what did I do about this? Welll........ I lost weight as you see. However I wish I didn't. Not that way at least. During high school starting my sophomore year things took a down turn. I decided to change. I went to walmart almost every two weeks getting diet pills, weight loss powder stuff you sprinkle on your food, hydroxicut, putting stuff into my drinks, wraps, GNC pills, supplements, etc. 
I was searching online for anything. 
  I WAS THERE ! If you told me it would help me lose weight, I would pop it in my mouth in a heart beat.. I did this for years. All through high school until graduating. 

What changed this?
Well, I FELT LIKE CRAP! I was skinny but I was a "fat skinny". I was sluggish. I felt sick all of the time. My emotions and hormones were so messed up. 
I ended up in the hospital my health was so bad.
Went to the doctor later on, told me I was having kidney failure.
I had a freaking kidney of a 70 year old woman... I was not even 20...

So I stopped everything.
When the doctor asked me 'what is it that you are taking?'
and I said "no clue... I take so much."
It woke me up. I was killing myself. 
I stopped taking EVERYTHING!!!!

I slowly started feeling better and I took on the healthier way of things.
Meaning, I worked out everyday and I ate healthy! 
Doing this even lead me to my profession now.
Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition specialist and AdvoCare coach!
I wanted to share with people what I have learned. To give everyone what they need to reach where they want to be, safe and healthy !!!!!

Now I am in the last picture ! 
Taken 2 days ago.

I know you're thinking now though, "AdvoCare has supplements and stuff."
You're right. They do.
I made it a point once I got certified to help my clients out with products that work and are SAFE!
AdvoCare was that.
I got on the products and they actually, FINALLY made me FEEL healthy!
Not just look healthy anymore but truly feel it.
This was huge for me.
I had even gotten the most amazing results and I seen myself as beautiful!

Could I have gotten here without AdvoCare?
I do not believe so.
I tried and tried. 
AdvoCare got me here.

So now when you see me post "so" much about my progress or fitness,
you know why.
I have been there, in every stage!
And I'm just trying to help you not go there. 
I want you to go straight there the HEALTHY WAY and the way that WORKS!

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