Which this means a new year, also comes new plans and goals. Have you started planning yet? If so, are the SMART goals? Detailed? and attainable? Let me help you out if not.
But first, let me tell you a little about New Years resolutions. [maybe some things you did not even know!] First, did you know that only eight percent of people succeed at their resolutions and 25 percent of people quit after only the first week!?
Did you know that? Well the reason the success rate on these resolutions are so low, is from lack of planning. If you do not believe me, think back on the times you set a goal and truly kept it. Was it planned out right, maintainable, realistic? Hmmmm..... Well let me help you out this year with a few tips!
Writing down goals is one of the best ways to accomplish them and also planning out the steps on how to. You want to lose weight? ok, how much weight? by when? make your resolutions into what is called SMART goals. (specific, measurable, achievable, results, time bound.) This can need some outside help. So do not procrastinate if you need help look into getting a personal trainer. Ask me !
Again, this might need some outside help as well. You need to make these goals manageable. Some change can not just happen over night. You brain likes the comfort of an old habit over new, different ones. changes smaller and more gradual. So if your goal is to go from never running at all to finishing a marathon, start training gradually. Begin by running a few miles twice a week, and steadily increase the workload over a few months. That’s the best way to approach all fitness resolutions—slow and steady wins the race.
All those broken down goals you set for yourself, you reached it? You worked out 3 times a week for a month? CELEBRATE THE MESS OUT OF THAT! be sure it wont undo all the good you have done. Go get a new top, pair of jeans, pedicure, massage, movie date. This is important. Celebrate your accomplishments.
LIVE BY THIS 24'7 OR 80/20:
"It is NOT a quick fix. it is a lifestyle change". The sooner your realize that, the sooner you will see results.
Are you doing it for the right reasons? working out and eating healthy can result in those 6 pack abs, toned body. However with this you will burn out, or you will reach the goal and then what? Try and make your goal with a deeper meaning. Do it for you. For better health, a better life.
If you do not know how to do something, do not mark it off! Ask for help. If you are looking for new ways to do something, how to, whatever it is. ASK, ASK, ASK, ASK!!! Again you might need outside help, so do not be afraid to get it.
this is important with any goal. Even with fitness! If you have a busy day, workout in the mornings before everything gets started. This will leave you feeling great and having a better mindset during the day. But what if you HATE the thought of waking up early and it just messes up your whole mood for the day? Then workout in the evening. In the afternoon on your lunch break. Do what works best for you. You want to enjoy this, you want to feel good about it.
Nothing keeps you more motivated then seeing the process you have made in yourself! Find a way to do this. If it is by the scale, pictures, clothes or how many pounds you can lift.
even the best, most detailed plans can get old... You can feel lack of motivation or the goal seems less important now. You start taking days off which lead to weeks, months, then just "ah, forget it". However slip ups are normal, they are even expected. There is not ONE PERSON on this earth that has no stumbled. Who has not hit a set back, failed, or taken time off to re-evaluate their plan. Doing this, MAKES YOU HUMAN!!!!! So, forgive yourself. Smile, stand back up and keep going.
Pretty simple huh? If not, message me and I can most defiantly help you set simple, maintainable goals and also keep you accountable! Sound good?
Also in the mean time, check out last years top 40 resolutions! Maybe yours are on here!
1. Read more books
2. Save more money
3. Lose weight
4. Redecorate
5. Take better photos
6. Go travelling
7. Sell old unwanted stuff on eBay
8. Buy a tablet
9. Organise photos
10. Do something for charity
11. Spend more time with kids
12. Buy a Sunday paper
13. Less TV time
14. Connect my computer to my TV
15. Leave work on time more often
16. Less time on Facebook
17. Totally revamp my wardrobe
18. Try a new hairstyle
19. Get a six-pack
20. Eat less chocolate
21. Socialise more in real life rather than Facebook
22. Drink less alcohol
23. Buy less coffee from Starbucks/big chains
24. Start my own business
25. Tell someone I have feelings for them
26. Quit smoking
27. Gain a promotion
28. Learn how to use Twitter
29. Run a half or full marathon
30. Call people more than text
31. Cut someone out of my life who isn't good for me
32. Meet online contacts in real life
33. Watch less reality TV
34. Text people less
35. Try to save relationship
36. Try extreme sports
37. Get better at social networking
38. Stop contacting/going back to an ex-partner
39. Have a face-to-face with my boss to find out where I stand
40. Do a bungee jump
2. Save more money
3. Lose weight
4. Redecorate
5. Take better photos
6. Go travelling
7. Sell old unwanted stuff on eBay
8. Buy a tablet
9. Organise photos
10. Do something for charity
11. Spend more time with kids
12. Buy a Sunday paper
13. Less TV time
14. Connect my computer to my TV
15. Leave work on time more often
16. Less time on Facebook
17. Totally revamp my wardrobe
18. Try a new hairstyle
19. Get a six-pack
20. Eat less chocolate
21. Socialise more in real life rather than Facebook
22. Drink less alcohol
23. Buy less coffee from Starbucks/big chains
24. Start my own business
25. Tell someone I have feelings for them
26. Quit smoking
27. Gain a promotion
28. Learn how to use Twitter
29. Run a half or full marathon
30. Call people more than text
31. Cut someone out of my life who isn't good for me
32. Meet online contacts in real life
33. Watch less reality TV
34. Text people less
35. Try to save relationship
36. Try extreme sports
37. Get better at social networking
38. Stop contacting/going back to an ex-partner
39. Have a face-to-face with my boss to find out where I stand
40. Do a bungee jump
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