Jul 30, 2015

Tips & Advice on why to get your S/O in the gym! [plus date ideas!]

The gym is a whole different world when Raul is in there with me. The atmosphere seems different and my mind set is even different. [In a good way] Although I may be more of the talker "one more, you got it, come on babe.", and when mostly 'come on weak sauce' is what comes out of his mouth. [Okay, I am guilty off that also with the occasional butt slap at the end of a set.] But it is very motivating having him there. I honestly feel more powerful. I guess that is really because I push myself to my limits when with him. I mean seriously... I do not want to look like a weakling to him. I do want to make him proud to be in the gym with me and for me to show him I am really trying to improve myself. [nothing wrong with that at all. I did not say I go to the gym for him. Do not get those two confused.] It really is great though seeing me and him grow together. Pushing one another, keeping each other accountable and even flexing together in the mirrors.
If you workout with your husband, fiancé, boyfriend or whatever I hope you understand where I am coming from. Which I know some couples who absolutely HATE working out with their s/o and would rather do their own thing. However, I am not one! If you're wanting to get your lover involved in the gym with you, read along for my tips and even why I think you should! Also check out the active dates for you and your swolemate!

Tell me again why should I workout with him/her?
They will get you moving! Raul and I kind of have our own way of this by just calling each other weak sauce, or saying 'you're going to get fat.', we also crack some jokes. It really is not a big issue when getting us going. However having that accountability from someone by just saying 'hey lets go.' is really hard to turn down. You don't want them going alone do you and coming back looking better while you are... well.... looking the same.
They will keep you moving! Oh boy do they! I would not be caught dead not finishing a set with Raul or half assin' something. [I don't want to look weak] However hearing someone encourage you and help you finish those last two reps, makes a huge difference! Although like I said above Raul's encouragement is 'get two more' or 'weak sauce', it keeps me moving!
They make you work harder! If you have not caught on yet, Raul and I really talk crap [I won't say all the things we say to each other.] This motivates us. [If anyone else would talk to me that way though I would punch them. hahah] Seriously though watching Raul workout really makes me want to push further and max out ever set. Then watching him give his all every single day. Maxing out. Drop setting. Supersets. Really gets me pumped!! If seeing your S/O do this and it does not motivate you to do the same, you probably shouldn't be there. [jk. but really be a motivation to him also! Raul will see me move up in weight and he will make sure he does also. (Yeah... I see you babe.)]
Okay then. How do we get started?
Plan! When first getting started, it is smart to go in with a plan. Write it down. [Raul and I have been in this for while so we do not plan really] But write down the days of the week and match your muscle groups to them. Do not forget your rest day either! Figure out what days you will be doing cardio and for how long. What time will you be going to the gym? Sets? Reps?
Help each other! You are there together so seriously help each other. Raul and I will switch better sets. This way we are spotting one another and helped get in those last two reps. If you are there but letting each other struggle alone, what are you even there for?
Skip the personal trainer attitude! Raul was bad at this when we first started working out together [which he did teach me a lot] But when it came to I knew what I was doing and he would still coach me, I would get frustrated and answer with a 'okay, I know' or a 'Ok back up' look. Me being a personal trainer, I will not coach Raul. That is not what I am there for [that is to baby him, coaching him every step. He knows what to do.] So do not order or constantly hover teaching them. Let them breath.
Don't try to keep up. I do not follow by this in a way. Now I usually lift half of whatever Raul does. Not by choice but it is really what my body can handle. [Guys and girls are NOT designed the same.] This is what I mean by do not try and keep up. You will hurt yourself. Trust me, you won't see me benching 300.. You crazy? So stay at your own pace. Push yourself but do not get dumb and hurt yourself. Got it? Good!
See, it is not that hard. You want to get your S/O in the gym with you now huh? I know you do!
Now with the weekend coming up, try out these active date ideas! You may enjoy them. [We will be doing some also this weekend!]
  • Hiking! [Ahhhh, I love hiking!]
  • Trampoline park!
  • Paintball.
  • Skiing [we will be doing this in January!]
  • Trapeze class! [pretty sure you can find these on youtube.]
  • Ice skating or rollerblading.
  • Bike riding.
  • Hunting! [oh, yes!]
  • Go dancing!
  • Golf! [we are putt putt people!]
  • Batting cages.
  • Rock climbing.
  • Bowling. [another favorite.]
  • Fishing! [Lets go!!!]
Now get out and go!!!!
And have a blessed / safe weekend!

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