Jul 29, 2015

It Is Impossible To Eat On A Tight Budget. [Myth or Misconception] +recipes

This is something I hear on a daily and honestly something I had once believed also a couple years ago. That is the sentence, 'Eating healthy is too expensive.'  You thought so too huh? Well listen to this.

The average person spends only $7.00 per day on food. [this is according to the U.S department of Labor Statistics] Now when talking about getting 5 to 6 meals a day with the recommended five to nine servings of fruit and vegetables a day with a tight budget, may seem impossible. However this is not necessarily true. With a little planning [which never killed anyone] a family of four can get by on $28.00 a day. That is $7.00 a person. This includes a wholesome breakfast, lunch and dinner and even a few snacks along the way! Still don't believe me? Check this out!

You can put even single dollar to excellent use by adopting a few of these cost-cutting tips;
  • Stop eating out and eat home more often! Not only does this cost less but you also have better control over portion sizes and even freeze any leftovers for another day when you did not have time to cook. [When Raul and I go out to eat say chili's we spend on a average night plus tip about $30 or so. give or take. We can get a bag of chicken, canned veggies and fruit that will last us 3-4 days for the same price!]
  • Do not go to the grocery store of a whim. Ever. First check to see what you already have and have your grocery store list on hand! [I cannot tell you how many times I ended up with three gallons of milk and having one go bad because we did not drink it in time...] Having a list will stop you from overbuying! [I can also send you a free grocery list if needed.]
  • When at the store, check packages for expiration dates and perishable items. Try to pick the latest one possible. [Note: they are usually at the very back!]
  • Learn the value of a food budget. Use price, need, nutrition value, and portion size to determine your buying decisions. [this is something I can help you do.]
  • And the kind of obvious one; only buy the food that you are actually going to eat and then actually eat it! If time gets the best of you and food is no longer ripe; find different recipes that are out there for you to use them in! ] There are some really good ones. How about tomatoes for marinara sauce, leftover meat and vegetables in a soup or even ripe fruit in muffins and my husbands favorite; a smoothie!
Now for some actual recipes [these recipes feed a family of four for only $28.00]

'Banana bread' oatmeal [$1.50]
-2 cups uncooked oats
-3 cups of water
-2 tablespoons brown sugar
-2 ripe bananas
Cook the basic oatmeal as instructed. Add the brown sugar to the oatmeal. Peel 2 bananas into a bowl and mash with a fork. Finally add bananas to the oatmeal and cook for another five minutes.
Grilled Chicken Pita Wraps with Creamy Bean Spread [$8.00]
-1 can [15 ounces] cannellini beans
-2 skinless chicken breast
-2 whole wheat pitas, separated into 4 pieces
-2 cups of baby spinach, washed and drained
-2 medium carrots, shredded
-1/2 medium cucumber, sliced
-Pantry: salt, pepper, olive oil
Preparing bean spread: place 1 can of cannellini beans [including liquid] in a blender. add salt and pepper for taste.
Preparing chicken: cut each chicken breast in half widthwise [each breast should be thinner]. Heat pan over medium heat. Sprinkle each side of the chicken breast with salt and pepper. Place 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a pan. Place 2 pieces of chicken into the pan, cook for 6-7 minutes on one side then flip. Do the same thing for this side and continue until fully cooked. Repeat with the next two pieces of chicken. When fully done, lay down on a flat surface and cut into half-inch strips.
Prepare wraps: spread 2 tablespoons of bean dip on pita bread. Next, top with one-half cup of spinach, followed by carrots and cucumber, then chicken. Roll up, cut in half, done!
Pork and Vegetable Whole Wheat Chow Mein [$12.00]
-1 pack of whole wheat spaghetti, cooked according to directions.
-2 boneless pork chops
-1/2 medium onion, sliced
--1 inch piece of fresh ginger, grated
-3-4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
-2 medium carrots, cut into quarter-inch slices
-2 large broccoli crowns, cut into small florets
-1 large red pepper, cut into thin strips
-1 cup of green onions, chopped
-1/4 cup of reduced sodium soy sauce
-1/2 cup of water
Pantry: Olive oil
Slice the pork into thin slices, approximately 1/4 inch in width. Place 2 table-spoons of olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Place onion, ginger, and garlic in the pan and cook for 3 to 4 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add sliced meat to the pan and cook for 3 to 4 minutes or until meat is fully cooked. Add carrots, broccoli, and red pepper to the pain, followed by soy sauce and water. Cook for approximately 2 minutes. Lastly, add cooked noodles to pan and mix all ingredients well. Cook for another 2 to 3 minutes and serve.
Creamy Garlic Bean Spread with Baked Pita Chips [$3.00]
-1 can of white beans [also known as cannellini beans]
-2 tablespoons of olive oil
-2 tablespoons of water
-3 garlic cloves
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Serve with baked pita chips, vegetables, or as an alternative to mayo on sandwiches.
Baked Pita Chips
-4 whole wheat pitas
-Pantry: olive oil, salt and pepper
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Cut each whole wheat pita into either wedges. Place in a bowl and toss with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place pita wedges on a baking tray evenly and put into oven. Bake for 15 minutes, or until pita chips are crispy.
Strawberry-Banana Yogurt Smoothies [$3.00]
-2 ripe bananas
-1 cup of plain low-fat yogurt
-1 orange, peeled
-1/2 cup of frozen strawberries
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Divide into 4 glasses and serve.
All tips and recipes to live healthier while not spending an arm and a leg. So is 'impossible to eat healthy on a tight budget.' Misconception! 
What cheap healthy recipes do you know of and love? I would love to try some out! (:

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