Jul 16, 2015

The start of a new life.

I think I finally got it. It took about 10 days but I think I am finally there. I have adjusted to Raul being back. Which when I say this, a lot of people take it the wrong way. They look at me and ask, 'is something wrong with you and Raul?' or 'is it not the same?'. I by no means, am saying it negatively. But if you have been in a relationship of months-years apart and little to no communication at times or all the time; It is
 hard when reuniting and meshing together two routines. When Raul has come home or I have flown out to California, there was always the thought of, 'I am here only for a week and then we will be apart again.'. This time though it took me over a week to realize, he is not going anywhere anymore. Which made me not just adjust my schedule temporary but completely.

We had to talk and figure out our budget. Ball park some numbers for Montana sense we do not know everything until we are there. [drives me insane not knowing..] Figuring out how to combine our schedules with meals and the gym [yes this is very important to us]. Also Raul is kind of on his 'vacation' so he is out and about, going with the flow of things and I am trying to squeeze in my work/blogging [a serious headache] Then, the biggest thing is stepping out of the roles of us doing everything and taking over the role of husband and wife again [I mean seriously, just let me pick up your dang clothes and do something for you.]

Small 'problems' routine changes, really make a big difference. However, it is all apart of the process. One that I am happy is finally here and we are working through. Really how could you not be happy when you have this hunk with you every single day!?
Now before I get all mushy I will stop and just say we have a week from today, we will be on the road to Montana! Exciting huh? VERY! So stay tuned for more upcoming post on the adventures we will be having and just how the civilian life is treating us! Have a wonderful day everyone, the weekend is just around the corner. God Bless!


  1. Totally understand this!! Hope you guys have the best best best journey together in Montana <3

    1. I am so glad you can relate Maddie and thank you very much! I can't wait to post more on our move and adventures once we get there. I absolutely love reading about Cody and yours in Virginia! It makes me very excited! (:
