Jul 13, 2015

It is a Marvelous Monday.

Howdy Y'all! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and has started the new week with a bang! Yesterday marked the seventh day of Raul being home [a full week !!] and it has been great to have him here. We have been visiting a few people, having family time, gym and all the other great thing while just enjoying the time here in Corsicana. Now I know I usually post the high lights of this week and about how the week before was, however this will be different. Last week consisted of traveling, adjusting to life of freedom, and just relaxing. And this week, I could not tell you what we have going on at all [which is different for me..]. We do have 10 more days here in Texas though, so the big move is near! Exciting I know! I cannot wait to see all what Montana has to offer and experience new things. With Raul there also, it is going to be a blast!

Now enough talking, I said this post would be different and it is. I am not going to talk anymore but share this video! Watch it, and go have a freaking awesome week. God Bless!

[The benefits of setting standards for your life]

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