Jul 9, 2015

Reunited [Talk about it thursday]

Sitting on the porch with my new ipad/laptop Raul bought me for my birthday and watching him fix the jeep [we had some problems driving home] and I keep thinking, this is it. Although it has not fully hit me that he is here for good, I am still having some strong feelings. Meaning, I know once we get to Montana and I am cooking every day for him, having quality time, and just being together; it will hit me. Right now though there is a sense of peace.  I am able to lay down at night with him by my side, I am able to worry much less now, I am able to lay out his clothes after a shower, see him walk in the door, and just reach to my side knowing he is there. That there plus so many other things give me peace! Now I cannot write about how the transition is for us being only a day and in the two week phase of just seeing everyone, spending time with them and doing things Raul has not been able to for four years now  but

that will come in a few weeks/months when I can actually have some time with him and we get into our routine.

I know some people won't understand this unless you are a loved one of someone in the military but there is a reason I am going to be open and honest with a post in the future on the transition. It is something I was asked constantly and even I was scared about coming [I know for a fact, I am not the only military wife that feels this way and gets questions] So be on the look out for that !

But in all seriousness I know this is a 'talk about it Thursday' post, however it fits so much better in a thankful Tuesday. That picture above and the ones below; give me butterflies! To have my family together, to not worry about 'oh its temporary. he is only here for a week, is a true blessing.

And if you're reading this Raul, Welcome Home my love. <3 I am so happy to have you back!
And everyone else, have a blessed Thursday! Thanks for stopping bye. (:

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