Jul 6, 2015

I've waited two years for this moment. [Marvelous Monday]

Good Morning Y'all ♥ ! I hope you enjoyed your 4th of July weekend and it was filled with happiness, thankfulness and family! I was able to spend quality time with my parents as it being my last weekend here and got to head down to Corsicana for a 4th of July Lunch. I absolutely loved seeing my family and even my in laws (:  I also finally packed my bags for Corsciana and Montana [Yeahh... took me long enough. Procrastination that is. It only took me about an hour to actually pack my things.] I cooked my last home meal for my parents today [sour cream chicken enchiladas] They were delicious and I went to my church for the last time [that was tough] but I actually also was able to just relax this weekend. Now, although it was a good weekend, I am happy to have said good bye to it. The week I have been waiting for, for two years now; is finally here! Yes I said two years. This is the week Raul ends his four year contract with the United States Marine Corps. Now do you understand my excitement? You don't to the full extend unless you have a family member or loved one in the military. That is okay though. I will explain my excitement.
Today being Monday my plans are to really clean the house for the last time for my mom. Although I clean every day, I am talking about getting on my hands and knees, toothbrush in the toilet kind of cleaning today. [I know she appreciates that]

Now tomorrow [Tuesday] starts it all! Waking up at 4:30am to catch my flight at 8:00am to be reunited with Raul for good! Gosh I get chills just thinking about it. We will handle some small business that needs to be taken care of there and I get to visit my very best friend Jessica Jones whom I have not seen in almost a year now! I also get to meet her precious baby boy Leon ♥. Then we hit the road. Driving back to Texas!

During the days home with Raul, we get to pick up his custom made rifle [I am so excited to see his face when he gets it!] Then he gets to meet Cash once again for the second time in his life. After only being with him 3 months our of his 19 month life; will make a very sweet reunion that I cannot wait for [I will take pictures and record a video hhahha] Then of course we will be spending time with family, his friends, celebrating my nephews Birthday party that Sunday, making new memories and soaking everything up before headed off to Montana towards the end of this month.

So needless to say, this week will be life changing and I am soooo ready for it!! I mean who would not be? I hope your week is great and all that you could hope for. Got some exciting plans? Share them with me. (:

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