Jun 15, 2015

The book that changed my life. [Marvelous Monday]

Being productive and being busy are not necessarily the same things. 
Doing things will not create you success, doing the right things will.

Growing up I hated reading... Wait no, I despised it! I barely had a passing grade in English, my mom would read my books and write the summaries for me and you want to talk about summer reading? Yeah right. Whatever.... After graduating and getting into college I read a quote, "80 percent of people do not read another book for the rest of their lives after high school." I thought this was insane... Not wanting to be a number in the statistics, I picked up some books. Quickly learning I am the type of reader that if it is not true and does not improve me in any way; I wont read it. I just can not. It is boring....I don't understand it... And I am a very creative person. But with books? Nope.

I began searching for books online for personal development. [there are a TON!] Out of many searches though there was one book that kept appearing. 'The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson'. I decided to give it a shot! [Also, if you want cheap books that are in wonderful condition! And by cheap I mean free shipping and $1 - $10! Go to, thriftbooks! ] 
This being the first book I ever read cover to cover; it changed my life!
It hits every single area of living a life of success. Areas that I did not even know where there. It taught me what it really takes to follow your dreams and how to get on the path of mastery. It gives you the tools you need! The reviews, the star ratings and recommendations; were so much more than true! Any book really by Jeff Olson are my favorite! What about this book is so amazing though? Let me key things I learned ! [although this might stop you from reading it because you will get the basics which if you don't like knowing about a good book before you read it; do not read any further!!!!]

Successful People:
  • Do what unsuccessful people will not.
  • Refuse to be swayed by their feelings, moods, attitudes and they take control, do what it takes to get the job done.
  • Do not look for shortcuts.
  • Never blame but instead take full responsibility.
  • Use the past as a lesson and do not dwell.
  • It is east to do, but just as easy not to.
  • Do daily disciplines that take them towards success.
  • They show up consistently with good attitudes and burning desire back by faith.
  • Willing to pay the price.
  • Have a positive outlook.
  • Funk happens but we embrace it! It re-freshens and deepens us.
  • We understand the kind of knowledge needed to succeed.
  • We always ask, 'who am I spending time with." and evaluate .
  • Form relationships with positive people, building master groups and working with them regularly. And do not hesitate to disassociate themselves when necessary from people who are constantly negative and threatened to drag them down.
  • They read 10 pages of a powerful-life transforming book or listening to at least 15 minutes of educational / inspirational audio every day.
  • Work on their philosophy first.
  • Understand that increasing their success means doubling their failure.
  • "Do the thing and have the power."
  • They understand the power of simple things, such as discipline.
  • They do not give up!
  • They go by what they KNOW not by what they SEE.
Habits Of Successful People:
  • They show up!
  • They show up consistently!!!
  • They have a positive outlook.
  • Committed for the long haul.
  • Burning desire backed by Faith!
  • Willing to pay the price.
  • Practice the Slight Edge integrity.

Those habits... The things that successful people do.... Those things put into action every day, consistently; will change your life. Your career. Make it do a complete 360. Do not believe me? 
Try it!

Want to read the
'Slight Edge by.
Jeff Olson'?
Get it here.

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