Jun 14, 2015

Be MORE! Want more out of YOUR LIFE!

November 3rd, 2014, I joined AdvoCare in the goal to give my clients safe and effective products that they can use in their every day life no matter what their goal might have been. I was a daily user of the products and seen just how much they had personally changed my life. I began to share this with all of my family and friends. Raul then joined me in AdvoCare and we continued to take off in the journey. One day though I woke up and had this sluggish feeling take over me.. I kept thinking, "I have to do more..", I want to be more. And I knew what It was going to take. Raul and I then on January 29th, 2015 went all in with AdvoCare and became Advisors bringing in $1600 in 12 days. We then continued to build a team, change their lives and give them the freedom they have been praying about having. Now in June 2015 Raul and I are still going at it. Less than two months away from going to Success School we have a goal, a vision, a plan. One that most people, well 97 percent of the world would laugh at and say no way. Not possible. Raul and I set a goal, wrote it down and put a date on it (if you know anything about goal setting and wanting something. You know once it is on paper with a deadline; things are real) We will be bringing in 6 figures ($100,781, 6 star ruby) in four years! Why is this though? We have the desire to be better. To provide our families with something better, to live a life of freedom and options. We are the 2 percent and we choose this!

Do you have the 2 percent mindset? Are you willing to go above and beyond to make everything you make happen? Do you lay awake at night thinking of how much you want to grow and how people you want to help? Do you care more about success of others than youself? Are you motivated to succeed even against the odds?

The thing is that a lot of people say they want success but are not willing to do what it really takes to get there.... Once things get tough or a week, a couple months, a year from now they don't see what they want, they quit..

Will you fight though? Fight for adversity? because IT WILL HAPPEN. I can promise you that. The journey is a journey not a straight path shot to success. Some days and weeks it will be hard, you will shed tears and question some things but you know what. Success is worth it! You are worth it! You have to learn to adapt and change your mindset. Fight the adversity, DO NOT QUIT!

Will you get outside your comfort zone? Again, IT WILL HAVE TO HAPPEN! Why? Because if you didn't need to get uncomfortable then you would already have all the success in the world, because you are currently in your comfort zone. But we are not there yet and so we need to push outside our comfort zone and that's when growth happens!

But will you be willing to grow? If not, that is OKAY! But expect things to move slower. If you're willing to grow your mind and truly unlock the thing holding you back you WILL see growth in your business READ, WATCH, LEARN FROM OTHERS. Surround yourself with others who want better.

You may lose some sleep, you may ot talk to people you weren't before, you may need to push tough low times but what is a result to all of that is PASSION like you've never felt before. A true PURPOSE for helping others.
Are you willing to CHOOSE HAPPINESS?
Because it truly is in your control. It' your mindset.

It is not about what others are doing. It is about what YOU are doing and what YOU are thinking. Lift the lid on your life. Do you have that 2 percent mindset that sets you are apart?Are you willing? Be a two percenter. The world needs more of us!

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