Jun 10, 2015

The 12 people you HATE when trying to lose weight!

Weight loss can suck... Not just losing weight but getting 'fit' or toned, can suck at times. Yes the reward of it is amazing but the road to that reward can be tough and bumpy. Especially when you are around other that well..... you know.... do not get what you are going through! I know everyone's fitness journey is different, so different things effect different people. However we all have those people who just get under our skin! I will name out a few that not only I have come across [Those will have a star by them.] but that I hear from my clients and others.

*1. "I can't lose weight..."
I'm not talking about the people who really have trouble losing weight because some really cannot without medical assistance from how their body is designed. However those who say they cannot and you see with a soda in their hand of sneaking candy to the check out counter [Seen this happen yesterday after talking to a woman.] .

*2.Tempters ! [Oh these are the worst...]
"Do you want some?', *I am just going to sit here infront of you and eat this oh so amazing hot sprinkle donut !*

*3. "Welcome! Here is a gift basket!"
Some people never have had this happen before. But if you're like me living in a small town, in the neighborhood where everyone knows everyone. Where there is one church, bible study in the house up the road and the day care in the house across the street. You get welcomed into the neighborhood with some food. Person next door make their special pie? Believe they will be leaving it at your door step!

4. They do little to no effort and still lose weight! 
Need I say more?

5. They don't care to lose weight.
'So what I don't care... I'll eat whatever I want. Not exercise. Get fat then die..."

6. Oh you work in a bakery?
I blame you for the amazing, delicious, perfect treats that MAKE ME GAIN WEIGHT! Why must you do this to me?....... I mean things would be so much easier if you did not exist...

*7. Family. 
Sorry... I love y'all but sometimes you make it so hard!...
Thanks to my parents now though, I am the one that goes grocery shopping and does all the cooking! And even better, Raul is just as into eating healthy as I am so it is never an issue!

8. They eat whatever they want and not gain a pound!
What do you have!?! The metabolism of a six year old!?!?

*9. Non experts trying to give experts advice....
Wait.... You're telling me what to do? How has this worked for you?

*10. "Oh come on! You can eat that! It's not like it will matter."
Oh but it really will! You don't know this but it will...... 

*11. "Are you not going to be fun anymore?.."
Because I can't go out drinking with you or lay there watching fetflix for hours because I am going to the gym? Uhhhhh... I guess so.

12. "Don't lose weight! Why are you wanting to lose weight!? That's just dumb."
*Looks at you like what you just said is dumb* Bettering myself is dumb? 

But seriously,
beside all of the people you cannot stand 
and the troubles you will come across;

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