There are times like now in summer time where it might be a good idea to dust off the old gym membership card and take it inside. If you're like me though and live about 20 minutes from a gym or do not have a gym membership, you make due with the great out doors that you have! And you learn the ways that stay cool outside. Working the sweet system of mother nature. This comes with some tricks though! These are some that I do;
1. Hydrate Properly;
Hydration is key! and it is not just drinking water like most people think. When it comes to hotter weather and events, do not only use thirst as you determination of fluid needs to also aim for a 1:1 ration (fluid replacement : fluid lost in sweat). If you don't know how to use a 1:1 ratio sweet and simple follow this;
2 hour prior; 17-20oz
Every 10-20 min; 7-10oz
Following exercise; 16-24oz for every pound lost.
2. Re-hydrate Properly!
Just as important as hydrating! You need water to survive right? Being dehydrated can result in complications so do not risk it. Same as stated above following exercise, you should drink 16-24oz on every pound lost during exercise! I love using my re-hydrate instead of the basic sport drinks sense it provides more balance and replenishment!
3. Aim to work out in the early AM or later PM;
Yeah... I know it can be tough to wake up early in the morning to go get a workout in before work or class but trust me it is better than having a heat stroke! If you have time though in the evening and like that better, by all means do it !
4. Get a bomb playlist !
this is a mind trick. I am not saying disregard everything else and if yo have a great playlist you will be bullet proof to the heat. But it helps your mind focus on something else besides you toasting outside...
5. Use some body glide;
You can get this for any sports store. You know when you are running and your legs are rubbing together? shoes are slipping and you start to get blisters, that good stuff? well when you mix heat and humidity, it only gets worse! Body glide stops that!
6. Wear the right clothes;
By all means, PLEASE do not wear cotton clothing! Just do not... Get you some loose, light colored and dri-fit type material clothing! You're body need to breath..
7. Prep your feet;
Have you ever went for a run or hike out in the heat and gotten blisters from your socks? Try and get some rocks that let them bad boys breath! About 80 percent cotton is great, because they are lighter and cooler also by letting your feet breath! My favorite are Thorlo Experia socks [they might be $15 a pair but are THE BEST!]
Really... just use your head. If you're outside running or working out and feel yourself getting light headed, about to throw up; STOP. Don't be dumb. Use your head!
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