Jun 22, 2015

Liebster Award [Marvelous Monday]

Mondays are really the best day of the week to me. I love them! Starting a fresh week, it's the day after church, having things planed ahead to do, I love it all. Monday's however really go unappreciated. I think because people are following a routine they hate.. Going to a job they do not like, Waking up at a time that they think humans should not be able to function at, or just to go to school.. I mean really who likes school... I use to feel this way about the start of a new week before I dropped all that 'average living' of things that did not make me happy.  Which made me decide to start blogging on 'Marvelous Monday', this is for me to take the time out of my day to post about the things that make me happy, excited and what I have planned for the week! Sometimes this is nothing 'special' but others I have a very exciting week! So here we go!

June 22nd - June 28th
This week is exciting for me and will be busy! Which honestly I do not mind at all sense it means time will fly by! So here is what I have going on this week (:

♥ Repack my room for the move to Montana ! 
♥ Finish my book 'Winners never Cheat' so I can start 'The 10x Rule' [books you'll find on 'live']
♥ I am celebrating my 21st birthday Friday night with friends ! 
♥ Freedom Fest Saturday ! [Gosh I cannot wait for this!! I will be blogging about it]
♥ Family birthday 'dinner' celebration Sunday for my 21st (:

I am so so so very excited !!! Who does not like celebration of birthdays and Christian concerts though!?


On another wonderful note this Monday, one of my friends from High school named Maddie Andrews Ray ♥ , who is also a blogger, photographer, Newly wed Navy wife, and all around amazing woman nominated me for Liebster Award. [Which is an amazing way that lets other bloggers find one another and read some awesome stuff!] Now if you are unfamiliar of who Maddie Ray is and have not read / subscribed to her blog; go do this now! You will not be sorry and will truly enjoy such down to earth post. And if you're every in the area that she is, defiantly book a session

Now here are the questions Maddie has given me to answer; ☺

1. What are you looking forward to the most about living in Montana? Gosh there are so many things I am looking forward to about moving to the 'Big Sky Country'. However the thing that excites me the most I would have to say is being able to explore and adventure out! From hiking, fishing, hunting, snow boarding and just being out in the open outdoors with Raul makes me very excited!

    2. Do you have a goal to ever run a marathon? I actually do. Currently I have only ran 5Ks and the excitement I get from them really makes me want to challenge myself more. I plan on moving up to a 10 and half marathon while in Montana, then at the beginning on 2016 I will be running my first marathon.

    3. Would you prefer to run or lift weights? That is a tough question.. But I would have to say lifting weights. To be able to watch my body transform into something I would never thought possible, and me being the one who made it that way; is one of the greatest rewards. Your self belief increases, you learn the power of discipline and consistency,  your self esteem improves drastically, you really see what your body is made of and you just look good naked. So defiantly weights. haha.

    4. What is the best thing about marriage? Gosh, being able to go through life with someone I love and who is my best friend, that is the best! Marrying young as you know also, is not much of bonding two completely different lives [sense we did not have our own houses, kids, and daily routines]; it is more of building the lives together sense you are together at the very start of when life really gets going. I love that.

    5. What is one thing you want to make sure you do in the next year?  Have a child for sure. Raul and I are all about family and want nothing more than to create our own. So besides all of the smaller things I have planned the one thing that would change our lives the most would be a blessing of a rainbow baby.

    6. On a cheat day, what is your guilty pleasure?  
PIZZA! A whole Cici's buffalo chicken pizza ♥

    7. What is your favorite part of blogging? Really being able to let my readers see the 'real me' and hear my views on things, would have to be my favorite. Sense blogging I have been able to really connect with not only my clients through personal training and AdvoCare but even with people I have never met.

    8. Who are your role models? Michelle Bishop is defiantly my role model. I came across her on instagram one day while looking into competing in a NPC fitness show. While following her journey she also became apart of the AdvoCare family and seeing the leadership, dedication and faith she has, blew my mind. She is a devoted christian, wife and leader. A true inspiration!

    9. What is your biggest fear?  I use to be afraid of death. That was my biggest fear but once I started truly living for Christ the fear of living only for myself and losing sight of why I am here..  scared me more. Not in the sense of I do not matter but rather that I should be living my life for God. By denying my own desire to follow his, to care for others, to not fall into sinful behaviors, to love.

   10. What is something you want to accomplish before you’re 30? I want to be in my dream house. By the time I am 30 Raul will be done with school and running his taxidermy business, my own personal training business and we have planned to be bringing in 100K/year by our 5th year in AdvoCare. SO definitely the dream house is on the top of the list ! ☺

   11. What advice would you give to someone who is struggling with exercising consistently?  Usually when this happens I really talk with the person about their 'why'. As in why are they wanting to adopt a healthier lifestyle in the first place. A lot of times I get, 'to look good, my friends are doing it, my doctor said I should, I want better health, my boyfriend is into fitness so I thought I should also.'. Which whatever the persons reason is, is not wrong. But having a strong enough why, the how to or how long will not matter.
So someone who is struggling to exercise consistently, create a big enough why, The why should be FOR YOU. Because you are who matters. Try something new. I cannot do the same thing day in and day out and stay consistent. I mix things up with running, yoga, Pilates, a new workout class, dancing, HITT training. Mixing up your routine will stop you from relapsing or burning out. If you can find a buddy to workout with that can be reliable, DO IT! Working out alone and working out with Raul is a whole different world to me. He can't know I'm lazy... I mean seriously though. haha. And also one of my favorite things I have clients do, make a reward system! Make a goal for yourself, "If I workout 6 days a week for three months straight, I will buy a new pair of shoes or pamper myself." I love this approach so much because it really gives motivation to someone. I do this with T-shirts, sport bottles, gift cards for clients. It makes a huge difference for some.

TADA! There it is ! My 11 questions answered thanks again to Maddie Ray! And I now nominate Ashley Smith ! A very down to earth woman, has an adorable relationship with her boyfriend, into the fitness lifestyle, and a college girl! I am asking Ashley to answer 11 questions for me that I am creating for her! Here you go girl;

1. What has been the hardest for you while becoming a Occupational Therapist Assistant?

2. What do you admire most about yourself?

3. What made you decide to get into fitness?

4. Why did you start blogging?

5. What is something you want to accomplish in the next ten years?

6.What do you value most in life?

7. What did you want to be when you were younger?

8.What do you like to do most in your free time?

9. What is your favorite quote?

10. If you had $1,000 what would you spend it on?

11. What do you love most about your relationship with Christian? 

There you go! I cannot wait to read them Ashley! ☺ 

Have a marvelous Monday everyone!

1 comment :

  1. Love this!!! So glad you did it. I loved reading your answers! You rock! :)
