Jun 23, 2015

Lord, make me more like you.

 Lord empty me of me, so I can be filled with you. 

About 30 minutes from my house in Mesquite, there is a store called Mardel. [there are 33 other locations also. 21 being in Texas. Yeehaaw] This is by far one of my favorite stores. Just the moment you walk in, I get a sense of peace. Even if i'm not going to buy anything, being in there is a pleasure. It is that kind of store. [for me anyways]  However I had to stop by there today after getting my hair done. I grew up in a Christ filled home, I went to a church every Sunday, VBS, etc.I did this from birth to middle school. Then once moving I moved from middle school to my sophomore year I went to church on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. Then from my junior and senior year I was lost. Disconnected from God. Living a life of my own desires. It was awful. Then I graduated, moved to a different city and got back into church. A church I absolutely love! [Lake Pointe in Rockwall, Tx.] Sense reconnecting with God, it has been different.

 It has been a path of finding more about who I am truly suppose to be and what I am suppose to be doing.This did not become a burning desire and something I think about daily until a month ago.

God is working in my life. He has plans for my future that I do not yet know. And I have been feeling this inside of me like a burning flame. A very bright one. I feel he is about to show me something or use me for what I was put on this earth to do. I can feel it. And I am doing everything I can to just find out what exactly that is. I am trying to learn more about God and how to live a life for him. Which is a every day task. I come across questions. Things I do not understand and I still slip up on not doing things that I should do. I am not a perfect christian but I am still and forever perfect to HIM. I continue to try every day to do better however.

I remain connected with God, I remain faithful, I communicate continually, I acknowledge his sacrifice, I obey his will, I reach out to the hopeless and sinners, I serve others, I acknowledge my sins and have repented, I read his word and do as said, I open fully to Him, I stand up for my faith, I pray daily, I attend church, I sing praises, I trust in Him, I am humble.

I have no longer questioned God's work, His plans and why I go through things.  I just trust in Him. 
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to hi purpose." -Roman 8:28

But I still have this desire to know more. To do more. And to give more to Him. What exactly that is though? I have no clue yet but will continue to try and find out! 
How did you find God? 
What are you doing daily to bring you closer to God? 
To live a life as he wants you to.
When is the last time you talked to him?

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