"Miriah, I just cannot lose weight...I am doing everything I am suppose to but I am still not seeing any difference."
I hear this a lot and the reasons on why most people are not losing weight, is for reasons they do not even notice! Not right off the back anyways. After going through trouble shooting with my clients and reflecting on their daily routine, not only can I point out things that are stopping them but also they start to see it. "Wait... I have been _____." and "Do you think ____ could be a problem with me not losing weight?". Which there is nothing at all to be shamed about. Nor any reason not to grab someone, sit down with them and just say, "hey I am having trouble losing weight. Can you help me found out why.". With many people doing this with me, I have decided to bring to light some of the top reasons on why most people just are not losing weight. Here they are;
1♥ You're not drinking enough water.
Water plays many important roles in the human body but besides just staying dehydrated, it does a lot more when playing into weight loss. A person should aim to take in a gallon of water a day. [sounds like a lot, I know.] Not having proper water intake plays a big role though. When you do not get enough water your body will retain it, causing you to feel and look bloated. When getting proper water you will release the retained water [lose weight]. Water also helps suppress appetite! It is even researched that drinking a bottle of cold water upon waking up and going to bed, it will speed up your metabolism!
2♥ You aren't getting enough sleep.
Not getting enough sleep will lead to bad choices. That tall starbucks coffee, skipping a workout or getting takeout for dinner. It gets harder for your brain to say 'no' and it searches for something to make it feel better [like that tacobell up the road]. Think of this like being drunk. Lack of sleep is just like being drunk, you do not have the mental clarity to make good decisions.
3♥ Walking your dog up the street is not enough.
Yes that 10-15 minute walk is better than nothing. However to maintain your weight a person needs at least 30 minutes a day is recommended or 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise. Want to lose weight significantly? Take it up to 250 a week!
4♥ You're not being consistent.
Eating healthy and working out is wonderful. You need to do theses things. But doing it two days out of the week will not give you results. Trust in the process. Everyday keep with it. Get into a routine and give it time. Consistency is KEY.
5♥ Over eating healthy foods.
In other words this is called portion control [this is my problem!]. You may eat healthy and all the foods you are suppose to, you workout, you drink water, you do everything BUT you eat too much of those foods. Try keeping a food journal, tracking calories. I use supertracker. It is a free page and easy to use!
6♥ You are leaving out a food group.
Every food group provides your body with nutrients that it needs to fully function. So why would you take out something that your body needs. You may lose weight without a food group but I can promise you that there will end up being more wrong with your body than right.
7♥ You don't eat breakfast.
I know growing up your always heard, 'breakfast is the most important part of the day'. Well whoever told you this, did not lie. Eating breakfast helps boost your metabolism and increases your energy levels. So grab some fruit, a bowl of cereal or a shake.
8♥ You're not eating enough.
A lot of people think they should not eat anything to lose weight. That skipping a meal will take off a few pounds. Wrong. When you do not eat you starve your body. Doing this will force the body to hold onto what you have and stores fat. This is the last thing you want.
9♥ You eat the wrong post workout meal.
Yes you need to eat after but what exactly. I hear a lot of people go for a workout and burn about 700 calories then come back and drink a 1500 calorie smoothie. It is a smoothie though, why is it bad!? Think of calories in, calories out during weight loss. You want to get a lean protein and complex carbohydrate; fruit, veggie, whole grain bread or pasta, chicken, fish, nuts.
10♥ You are doing too much cardio.
When running for period time and over and over, your body adjusts to the movements. Your body then no longer gives you the results you were getting at first but does a opposite effect. You end up with less muscle, your metabolism then slows down and your body will then start stored fat then burning it. Try adding in resistance training 2-3 times a week. You will actually burn more calories and fat this way. Even bring in some HITT [high intensity interval training].
11♥ Chill out. You have too much stress!
Exercise it self is a stressor on your body this is why you have a recovery time; helping your body lose its excess fat. Without the recover time though you will have negative effects. Stress produces colorist. A hormone related to stress [great when working out because it gives the muscle power to move.] But with other stress it will cause fat storage and slow your metabolism.
12♥ You still have bad habits.
These are some things that you are doing that are putting a halt in your weight loss; eating in front of the TV, eating at your desk, cleaning your plate, eating late at night, consuming 'low fat' foods.
13♥ You're not giving it time.
You won't get results over night. It just will not happen that fast. However I am going to talk statistics now. A person can gain 1.5-2.5 lbs of muscle/month and drop 2 lbs a week for weight loss. So trust in the process! Your friends and family will more likely see the difference before you can also.
Have a blessed day everyone. ♥
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