Here is Jessica and her beautiful family!
Husband; Justin Jones
Blessing of a Son; Leon Matthew Jones
Four legged child; Belle
Jessica is not only my very best friend though but she is really a very amazing woman! She is very straight forward so she will tell you how it is and if she does not like something but also has the most caring heart. She holds her own so well even when she does not have to, and gosh how she busts her butt with whatever she does. Looking at her dedication and faith inspires me. Knowing her past and seeing the woman she is today; is indescribable. I want everyone to come across someone like this at least once in their lifetime to experience the joy they will have, however you cannot have her. She is taken. hahah. Jessica does also run her own business in advertisement which heck I am super jealous about! You should see the GREAT STUFF this woman gets for FREE, while getting paid for it! You seriously cannot beat that. Last night though I had some questions for her that not only I have wondered about her work but I know others have also. Jessica was oh so kind enough to take the time out of her day to answer them for me, ☺ here they are!
1. What made you want to get into Advertisement? I was in college and couldn't afford my rent or bills on top of tuition even though I was working 3 jobs so I decided to pick up some online work for extra income!
2. What do you like most about your job? I love that I can make my own schedule.
3. If a person walked up to asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give them your best tips on earning money online, what would it be? I would say when you are creating an advertisement, always make it personal. No one likes a generic sales ad but they will pay more attention if the ad has a personal touch like a true story or an experience of yours.
4.How long were you running the business before you started paying yourself? I have been doing this since 2009 and this line of work is strictly commission so I basically started earning a paycheck as soon as I started and gained readers.
5. What do you find most challenging in your job? When work is slow, money is low. Haha
6. How does your usual work day go? I wake up, check hundreds (literally) of emails, sort through them and work through them until they are all done!
7. What was the most challenging moment in your job development process and why? Probably starting up. When you start a brand you have to pull readers in. That takes a while. A good amount of dedicated readers doesn't appear overnight, so that’s the real challenge.
8. What networks of social media do you use for your business and what seems to work best for you? I use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, StumbleUpon and more. I get the most traffic through Facebook right now.
9. Do you follow any other blogs/facebook of other people in your field? if so, who and why. I do! I follow quite a few blogs (Gloriously Green Gal, Pea of Sweetness, and more). They are all very motivating and I use them as learning tools. I strive to be like them, in a business sense and a personal sense because the owners behind the blogs are incredible people.
10. If you could do any other job, what would you want to do? If I could, I would work in a veterinary office. I love animals.
11. What has your job taught you? My job has taught me that patience really is a virtue, and I need to be proud of myself for everything i have accomplished rather than focusing on what I have failed at.
Love the insight on your business Jessica! Learned more that I had not known before! (: Thank you again !
[I also am using the closing picture Jessica herself sent me to use. haha]
Everyone; go over and check out Jessica's page [s]! Get some freebies, deals, coupons, samples and MORE!
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