Jun 6, 2015

How much does it cost to stay fit.

Right before summer comes [I would say about two months before] and after the new year [yeahhh. those new year 'resolutions'] people are all hopping onto the fitness lifestyle change. And when I say lifestyle, I cannot stress that word enough. Because it really is. It is not a over night fix.. A week fix or a one month fix... Depending on your goal, this can take 6 months... two years.... or longer! This is something people say. 'they know' however do not really KNOW! That when faced with the reality of busting your butt off in the gym for a week; you do not see the results you want and you quit or wonder why. This is one of the many things some do not really understand.
Yeah we can go into all of what you are going to have to give up on, how your body is going to change, how you are going to feel some days and some of the stuff you are going to face but really I want to talk about something that I get asked about a lot. This being the price of things. Funny thing, it is usually the first thing to ever come out of someones mouth.

"HOW MUCH would it be for me to have something to make me lose weight?"
"HOW MUCH would you charge to train me for a month?"

Why don't you ask, "Miriah, this is my goal, this is what i am doing as of right now. Do you have anything to help me and HOW WILL IT EXACTLY HELP ME?" and oh my gosh if someone would just come to me and ask me, "Miriah if I am wanting you to be my trainer, what exactly WILL YOU DO FOR ME?" would seriously make me drop to my knees because I know the person is serious about the change. Which do not get me wrong I know price can be a tough thing at times and there are some things you can and cannot do. But have you ever thought that asking price first off before knowing the effects or what something is, can give you better results? Really think about this. People go with what is cheaper. 'easier' and do not get the results they need or they end up with something wrong with them. I am not saying just because something cost so much means it really works. However 9 times out of ten, the cheaper option is not always the right one.

So to talk about money though and fitness [a couple things]. I want to give you a insight look on really how much it will cost you to stay fit [I am going to do monthly then add it all up in the end for the yearly]. You might be surprised or you may not. ALSO this is based on Raul and I sense we share our supply of things and etc. Yours might be different [lower or higher. You might not use what we do. whatever] But here we go! 

Gym or Health Club:
I am not going to count the start up fees of a gym membership but rather cost monthly. Raul and I went to 24 hour fitness and without discount it is 49.99 a month. So both of us, lets say $100/month. This varies on some gyms with the price and also what package you get. $49.99 is the basic.
Yearly= $1,200

Personal Trainer:
This is not something everyone does but can be smart. When health conditions come into play it is smart having someone who knows what to do and how it is effecting you to be helping. Also either being brand new to fitness, they help a ton in guiding you and teaching how to develop your own workout routine and knowledge for long term success. Personal trainers are also even extremely helpful when looking into getting your body to a certain goal. 'Getting health' is easier then when you try to get competition ready, training for a event, or just want you body to do something that will require more information and training. At most gyms a trainer goes by sessions rather than monthly fees. On average however seeing a trainer 2-3 times a week is recommended. $50-200 some are even more than that a SESSION! Sooo lets say 3 days a week at $75 a session. [we will throw it in the middle] This is coming out to about $225 a week. So $900 a month.

Raul and myself are lucky though in this catagory because I am our personal trainer hahha. Ad my clients also because I charge $50-75 a month 0__o

Supplements & Multivitamins:
Sheesh.... This is something if you really think about and sit down to add up.... Is another whole bill that you pay at the end of the month. But depending on your goals and you health... is needed. From vitamins, pre workout, BCAA, protein, etc. [not going to name every single little thing] Cost raul and I together about [we will say three months. some of the products last us longer than one & two months but not all more than three] $890.00. But sense we have a 40 percent discount on our AdvoCare products it evens out to about $570 / three months.
Yearly= $2,280

OH WE LOVE FOOD! And boy does it hurt our pockets sometimes.... Now our bill ranges differently in bulking season to cutting. I will give you both bills. So me and Raul would try and keep grocery shopping twice a month. [sometimes this did not workout and ended up every week] On average during bulking season every two weeks was about $500. leaning out $350. 
equaling; 4 months bulking= $4,000; 8 months cutting & staying in a manageable BFP; $5,600.
Yearly= 9,600.

All together;
A little over 13K!
[I did not put the personal training in here sense not applying to us]
But if you want it; 23K.

Your jaw hit the floor yet? Probably so but I am going to hit you with a ending.
The average household of two people with no medical insurance, bills yearly equal
30 Thousand Dollars!
You pick the price and your pathway. (:
Fitness comes with many benefits, saving your pockets money and debt freedom is one.

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