Is life really any different when you have family with you then without?
I know everyone will not have the same answer to this and some really will not know first hand on what one is true or not. However, I do. I know my answer to this at least. Not by just being one way my whole life and thinking, 'Yes. this is how it is suppose to be. This is better.' But rather being in both sides of the court. If you really know me and was by my side during my high school years, you will already know my story. That is about a handful of people though so if you're reading this and not those people, you don't know what the heck I am talking about. That is okay though, here is some background information;
Something to know
1. I played basketball for 13 years. This was my life. Every morning, evening, weekend, day of the week, and lunch break; I was in the gym.
2. In high school from freshman year I started on Varsity.
So back to the story. I was in a relationship for two years [one my parents did not like] and come my Junior year of high school some 'stuff' had happened in basketball where I wanted out and quit my basketball team. My parents did not approve of this at all, they blamed it on my boyfriend at the time, and told me I was about to play. I had refused to, so I ran away. [By the way, after my parents knew the reason why, they understood. So don't think my parents are horrible parents to let me run away. I just am not the one to open up about some things and I take matters into my own hands.] However running away, I was on my own. Got a job, supported myself, did my own thing. And during the tragic events I was alone. I did not have my family. But I carried on with my life.
During this time I really seen the difference in having a families love and support to not having it.
After about four months, I moved back home. The relationship between us was still quite but quickly got better than normal. I was out of the relationship I was in, I had my life plans and goals, I reconnected with God, and I lived my life. My new mindset and what seemed like a 360 change over night, I had my family. Their full love and full support. More than I had felt in years! This was then something I knew I would never want to lose.
I had seen the difference in a life without family then with. And although I stood on my own by myself, there was this emptiness in me that only the love of my family could fill. I knew the difference in having one rather than another. And if you asked me would I ever go back and do it over again? No, I would not. A life without family. Love. Support. Is a low place to be. There is a difference, one that you must go through to fully understand. But I hope you never have to.
This is what I am thankful for;
A HOME [not the roof over my head but whom I share it with]
What are you thankful for this Tuesday? Family, your job, freedom?
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