May 8, 2015

Wake up & Work out !

 *5:00am beep, beep, beep*
Rolling over. i'll wake up at the next alarm..
 *5:20am. Beep, beep, beep*
Mehhh.... [turns alarm off. rolls back over]
 *5:30am. Beep beep beep*
 *5:50am. Beep. beep. beep*
Crap now i'm going to be late..... ugh!

I know I am not the only one who has done this one day or another.
It sucks. [for me anyways.] My day is thrown off, I feel like a lazy dumb, my morning is wasted...

Even just by sleeping in 30 minutes or an hour more... causing myself to miss a workout.

You might understand what I am talking about.

Before I get into the 'advice' on how to help get our butts up out of bed;
Lets go over a list on WHY you should be getting up to workout!

One: Speed up that metabolism ! 
Two: Who doesn't need more energy !?!
Three: Jump start some mental activity.
Four: You decide the tone for your day.
Five: You become more productive!
Six: You can do absolutely NOTHING for the rest of the day and feel accomplished.
Seven: You might actually WANT to eat healthy afterwards.
Eight: You will be less stressed during your day.
Nine: You can burn more fat !!!!
Ten: You'll start your day in a awesome mood!

Don't know about you but all eleven of them grab my attention.
However just the thought of those won't really make me jump up out of the bed every day..
So lets talk about some things you can do to get up that aren't just words.
[these are not in any order.]

One: Social Media! 
Make it known and post progress daily. This keeps yourself motivated by receiving motivation from others, motivating them, can serve as a personal workout log and well you're getting on there anyways. So what if people get annoyed that you are bettering yourself? There is a un-follow button.

Two: Lay out clothes the night before.
This is a huge one for me. I have at times even slept in my workout clothes so I couldn't make an excuse on the 'things i had to do.'/

Three: Drink up!
No I don't mean alcohol. I'm talking cold water! Lemon water! For me, I do spark! It really gets me up and not just for the moment but through the whole morning. Drinking something upon waking up that's cold, will wake up your body and get it working.

Four: Keep it local.
"Gosh I do not want to get up, get ready then have to drive into town to go workout.." Yes,, I have been there done that. So if you can, get your workout done at home! You really then will not have a reason not to get up. I wake up and do some stretching, pilates and hit the streets for my run. It is easy, why? It is in the comfort of my home and neighborhood !

Five: Treat yourself.
Dont go workout then come back home and fall into unhealthy stuff. [not that kind of treat yourself] but make a contract, a goal sheet. That 'If I run 5 days every week for a month, I will get a pedicure." or take it as those two days you're off, SLEEP IN!

Six: Buddy system.
This is the best thing! You can tell the alarm 'no, not today...' as many times as you want.. But try telling your accountability partner 'no. not today...'. Yeah, more likely you will feel like crap ! So get your self a buddy system. If its a text in the morning, phone call, message. Whatever !

Seven: Pop in a mint!
What? really.. a mint? Yes ! hahaha. Remember in school during TAKS testing [ i think it is called STARR now.] and the teachers would tell you bring some snacks because you will be stuck in there all day. Mine always mentioned mints. Reason why is because they wake you up and make you more alert. Don't believe me? Try it for yourself. (:

Eight: Move your phone to the other side of the room.
Come 6 am your alarm will go off and if the only way is to get up, walk across the room and turn it off. Nine times out of ten, you won't get back into bed.

Nine: Here is a simple one. Get some sleep the night before.
Common sense huh? So what you were out partying the night before and got in late. Trust me some exercise will do that hang over good.

Ten: Set a realistic time.
'Heck yeah I am getting up at 4am to get in some miles!' Uh no....
There were times I got use to waking up at 5, I did move it back at start getting up a 4am. But if you were to tell me right off the back, 'hey Miriah, get up at 4am and go workout.', I would have laughed in your face. So set a realistic time to get up. It takes time. I got use to waking up at 8am and needing to get back waking up early so I started at 7:30, then 7:00 and now at 6:30.

Eleven: Plan your exercises ahead of time.
When you have less to think and worry about, the easier it will be for you to get up and NOT talk yourself out of it. The night before I pick out my runs. Where i will be going and how long i will be running.

Twelve: Give yourself time to wake up.
No I am not saying lay in bed for about ten or twenty minutes but get up, brush your teeth, eat a granola bar and breath. This way you do not feel rushed. You will be up yes but make your morning enjoyable. You will feel even better regardless after your workout ! (:

Thirteen: Listen to some upbeat music when getting ready.
I set my alarm tone with upbeat music and it helps me alot. However letting it play as I get ready helps even more. So turn on that Taylor swift, take it back to some Back Street Boys, whatever you would be up in the club dancing to and let it play!

Fourteen: Get in your 'Me' time.
Think of it this way... This might be the only time during the day you will be able to be alone, think, and just be in silence. Why wouldn't you want to take advantage of that?

Fifteen: Keep your blinds open.
Don't keep them wide open for the creepy old man across the street to see in but enough where you have natural light coming in to wake you up. Dark curtains? Get rid of them.

Simple as that. Just get up and go.

Sixteen simple steps that could make all of the difference to get you up and going.
Try them out and see what works best for you!

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