May 29, 2015

What makes your faith with God better than mine?

Every Sunday growing up from the day I was born, my family and I went to church. We had a small home church in Mesquite called 'Higher Ground'. This was our family, the Pastor and his wife are actually my God parents. So I have always been around the love of God, knowing who he is and knowing the life I am here to live. However when I moved to Corsicana in 2007 things had changed. Not in the sense of straying away from God, but in the way I felt welcomed in the house of God.

My cousin had taken me to church one Wednesday night at Northside Baptist. I though maybe I felt so much at home there because it was a bible study where I was surrounded by people my age who I could relate to. Or it was the music. Maybe even just the fun games we had on some nights. As I think back on it though it was not any of that stuff. Why I felt home there was because that is the place where I finally understood the word of God. The way it was spoken to me, I understood. The people who God placed in my life at that church, forever left footprints on me. However it was not the same on Sundays after our bible studies when we went to 'big church'. I couldn't understand it. I couldn't get into it. So, I stopped going to big church and continued to go on Wednesday nights and early Sunday mornings. I always thought in the back of my head, 'Is this wrong?'. Why is it that I could not understand God's word at some places but can at others. I then tried to go to other churches. Other bible study groups. Cowboy Church, First Baptist, Higher Ground; nothing... I couldn't draw myself into truly feeling God's presents. I mean, I'm in a church... I'm reading the bible.... Why can't I feel him?... Why can't I understand?... 
This went on from my freshman year to graduation. So four years, I searched for that home. I would walk in, find my seat and pray to God, "Lord open my ears, my mind and heart. Speak to me. Let me take something out of here today." I did this. And nothing. Not until I moved after graduation to east Texas. I went with my sister to a church, Lake Pointe Rockwall. This is a church where when you see it, you have amazement. It is huge!!! [I mistaken it for a hospital the first time I seen it.] I know some people think, 'Ehhh, I hate big churches!' cough, cough my own mom. [I know you're reading this mom.] We have a Starbucks in it, a library, a book store, life groups, prayer center, lobby, seating all along the hall ways, there is everything. I mean seriously the average attendance each Sunday on combined services is over 10,000 people. To some this might be intimidating.  But the moment I walked into the church, before the lesson even started, I felt God. I felt the feeling of home I did when I was in Corsicana. Being graduated going on two years in June 2015, it is still the same.
[Told you it was big.] 
Honestly though, The pastor doesn't know me. My life group teacher does. The people I sit with every single Sunday do also, the other 9,950 people, don't know me either. Some might say because the pastor does not know me, means it isn't right for me. Some people think this way. I don't. I don't feel the need to know everyone's name as I did in my home church Higher Ground. Or to know what everyone does. I just really don't. Because I go to church for one thing. To worship my God. To give him praise as I do every other day of the week. To learn his word.

Through the Sundays though I started back thinking on how my church now is different from others. And as I've grown up I learned that it is not wrong for me to have trouble understanding God's word at one place rather then another. To praise him this way, rather than another way. My love language on how I connect with God may be different than yours. I am a quality time and words of affirmation person. Meaning I sing praises to the Lord, I thank him, I talk to him, and I spend time with him. Quite study and prayer time. These are my strongest ways of showing God my love. And just because this is different from one person, doesn't make it wrong for me. God created us all different. No church is right everyone [some don't go but are the most God loving people you will ever met], no one way to praise God is right, just like because you go to church doesn't make you a christian.  I had to learn all of this myself to stop questioning myself in my faith. To learn to not be ashamed of it because it isn't the same as the person sitting next to me.
Now don't get me wrong. I don't know everything about God's word yet. I sin daily although I try not to. I slip sometimes.. But as God said 'He is that without sin among him, cast the first stone.'. The reason I even wrote this blog is because it has been something that's on my heart. It has been for a long time, but really the past few days. Which is, just because your faith is different, The way you worship is different [[I use to think because I cannot speak in tongues like most of my family can means my faith is not strong enough; but that was not true.]]  maybe even just because the church you go to isn't the same as others, or because you do quite time and someone else doesn't. Whatever it is, does not make you wrong. It does not mean you don't deserve God's love any less than someone else. Your relationship with God, is only one you and him can understand. So don't feel uncomfortable, don't be ashamed. WORSHIP YOUR GOD AND NO OTHER. Love him unconditionally.
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness, come before him with joyful songs. Know the Lord is God. It s he who made us, and we are his,, we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations. -Psalm 100

Want to know what your love language is? Take this quiz/ [The 5 love languages.]

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