[ & my first 5k ]
Ok so no, I am not a elite runner, I have not been running for years, I am not a expert.
But what I am, is a woman who experienced a whole new life in the world of running.
Growing up I have always been active in physically activity. I was a cheerleader for 8 years, basketball player for 13 and volleyball for 3. Sports were my life.
Oh and I did cross country one time during middle school because the coaches told me,
'You will do amazing ! You have the body for it'
Because this here...... was me.

It was really hard for me when in school and doing different sports to find enjoyment in running.
Why? because every time it was a source of punishment !
I mean who would find enjoyment in that,,,,
Yeah there was the one girl who was happy when coach would say 'put on your running shoes and head outside', and would run... run... run.... and run. With a smile on her face, cheering everyone on 'LETS GO LADIES!'.. as we all gave her the evil eye.
Yeahh.. every one knows this person.
So by that, I cannot say 'I have always loved running'.
because surely as you've read, I have NOT.
However after graduating high school and things were no longer a 'must' to do,
There was not someone breathing down my neck telling me to GO.
I decided to give it a try again.
running that is.
I did this for awhile and really started to enjoy it. It helped me relax, clear my mind, have some me time and really just push my body to its limits.
I then started going into the bodybuilding life style, becoming certified, testing out yoga, then pilates.
However I then started getting the itch to expand.
To attend events, explore new categories and styles of fitness.
Running again was one of these.
I had planned to run my first race.
Although I was putting this off till Raul and I moved to Montana in August,
I came across to run in a 5K while in California for possibly the last time I would ever be there.
So why not right ?
I didn't practice, I barely did cardio really. But I wasn't in bad shape.
April 11th I ran in the
2015 Hollywood Half Marathon 5K / 10K
Running with the stars!

Going in I was nervous, but a good nervous.
The race was early! I got up about 3am and drove out to LA.
When getting there I was in pure amazement.
[I have never been in Hollywood first off and NEVER on the actual street!]
There were SO many people.
Lights flashing!
Music playing!
Everyone was sooo pumped.
Upon getting started and the days leading up to this event.
The question got asked many times,
'What is your goal?'
For me? I did not want to walk... not even power walk.
I wanted to run the whole thing out!
I did just that!
Finishing 15th in my age group at a time of 30:31.
I was proud of myself.
And boy was I on a high!
Going through the event I was running on pure amazement of things.
Seeing the places I ran by. The people. The music.
It was amazing.
But then it started to hit me...
I haven't ran this far straight before.
Up the hills... back down.
oh look a steeper and longer hill..
My legs started cramping, pushing past it.
My breathing got off track and harder; kept pushing.
My body was shaking; kept pushing.
then it happened..
A sense of calmness. Relaxation.
I was running but no longer felt my legs that pain and aches.
My breathing was calm and normal.
I was happy, i had a boost of energy.
I was picking up speed up hills.
and I felt I could keep on running!
Then I turned a corner, seen the finish line.
Oh the emotions.
I started holding a lump in my throat.
Fighting back tears and started running harder!
It wasn't though because I seen the end, in a sense of
'Yes ! finally it is over !'
I felt that overwhelmed joy of accomplishment.
I had finished something. I met my own personal goal. I tested my bodies limits.
And I showed myself that I could do it!
And that there is what I fell in love with.
I now run for me, not for punishment.
I run for my own personal goals.
I run to test my limits.
To relax, think, to have fun and stay healthy!
I run to give back!
This one race was the breaking ground of many more.
It was the doors to a whole new life.
It was a new opportunity !
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