May 29, 2015

What makes your faith with God better than mine?

Every Sunday growing up from the day I was born, my family and I went to church. We had a small home church in Mesquite called 'Higher Ground'. This was our family, the Pastor and his wife are actually my God parents. So I have always been around the love of God, knowing who he is and knowing the life I am here to live. However when I moved to Corsicana in 2007 things had changed. Not in the sense of straying away from God, but in the way I felt welcomed in the house of God.

May 8, 2015

Wake up & Work out !

 *5:00am beep, beep, beep*
Rolling over. i'll wake up at the next alarm..
 *5:20am. Beep, beep, beep*
Mehhh.... [turns alarm off. rolls back over]
 *5:30am. Beep beep beep*
 *5:50am. Beep. beep. beep*
Crap now i'm going to be late..... ugh!

I know I am not the only one who has done this one day or another.
It sucks. [for me anyways.] My day is thrown off, I feel like a lazy dumb, my morning is wasted...