Jan 4, 2015

Most people have no idea....

how good their body is made to feel...

Before I posted some ways to lose weight by eating healthier.
Explaining how to and what you can do.
Did not read it? check it out.
However I got to thinking......
there are so many more ways to lose weight and be healthy besides
just eating right and changing a few things on how you eat.
I am going to share those things with you!
Here is a list of
Daily things to do to lose weight.
  1. Walk when you can, instead of driving.
  2. Use fat free milk over whole milk.
  3. Do sit-ups in front of the TV.
  4. Walk during lunch hour.
  5. Drink water before a meal
  6.  Eat leaner red meat & poultry.
  7.  Eat half your dessert.
  8. Avoid portions bigger than your fist.
  9. join an exercise group
  10. eat off smaller plates
  11. Don't eat late at night.
  12. Skip seconds
  13. Work around the house.
  14. Grill, steam, bake instead of frying.
  15. Ask doctor about taking multi-vitamins,
  16. Wash your car by hand
  17. Don't skip meals
  18. exercise daily.
  19. keep to a eating schedule.
  20. take a walk instead of an smoking/coffee break.
  21. play with your kids 30 minutes a day,
  22. Dance to music.
  23. Walk briskly in stores.
  24. Stretch before bed for better sleep and energy in the morning.
  25. Take stairs !!!
  26. share an entree.
  27. before eating seconds, wait 15-20min. ((You really might not be hungry))
  28. Make a grocery list before you shop. (only get what is on it)
  29. buy 100 percent fruit juice instead of soda or sugary drinks.
  30. Don't skip breakfast
  31. stop eating when you are full.
  32. brown rice or whole-wheat pasta.
  33. Eat an appetizer instead of full meal.
  34. get salad dressing on the side!
  35. Park away from your destination and walk!
  37. eat slow
  38. Try fast food options such as smaller burgers, grilled chicken sandwiches or salads with low-calorie dressings, cups or bags of fresh fruit, low-fat milk, 100% fruit juice and bottled water.
  39.  cut salt intake in half if not ALL the way.
  40. no creamer in your coffee, instead low-fat milk.
  41. take healthy snacks with you when you are out and about.
  42. get sleep!!! (6-8 hours a night)
  43. cut out TV time
  44. Stand while eating instead of sitting.
  45. Get up to change the TV instead of using the remote.
  46. Eat fruit or nuts instead of smoking.
  47. Olive oil instead of butter,
  48. Bottle of COLD water upon waking up and going to bed.
  49. Eat hard boiled eggs or only egg whites
  50. Stretch upon waking up.
With these small steps, you will make the biggest difference.
But they will not happen over night.
You must do daily disciplines.
If it is just ONE of these things,
It will make the biggest differences.
You however must believe in the process first.

Wanting more help/advice or guidance?
Read my blog over How To Lose Weight
Or let me help you personally.
Or email me, miriah.fitness@gmail.com

"The truth is, what you do matters. What you do today matters. What you do everyday matters."

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