Jan 2, 2015

It is not easy but it is worth it.

Oh, how I was wrong
to think this lifestyle would be easy...
I am going to be real. As real as it gets.
And this is my own personal experience,
my struggles, my thoughts, my actions.
I am human just like you
and you will see that,

After graduating in June 2013 I started to become familiar with fitness.
Yes I played sports growing up.
(basketball, volleyball, cheer)
But it was not the same. 
This was me on my own, making my own plans, instructing myself.
It was a huge change.
However me and Raul were talking at the time and he was big into fitness also.
He had been doing it longer so knew more and helped me when I needed it.
Raul came home for pre-deployment leave in December 2013 
and then left the start of January.
Upon him leaving we had made a bet.
The bet was to see who could make the most change in their fitness!
We had 6 months...
The bet was on!

And I did not know then,
that the bet; would change everything.

January 2014 *exactly a year ago*
Yeah..... I looked like a New Years resolution..
But it was more than that.
and honestly, I did not care.

I remember the first day I went in there, I was very intimidated.
I had many looks of "who is this chick..", "what is she doing..."
I looked like a shy, lost, skinny puppy.
Although I had spent the night before searching exercises, routines, sets, reps, etc,
I was still as nervous as I could have been.
It took me a week or so to get the hang of it all 
and to become more familiar with the facility, machines and people.
When I got to this point, I was on a fitness high.
I started to see results, I felt better, I looked better.

The first six months, I learned a lot.
At times I was strict!!! 
Others I was just going with it.
During this time span though.....
I stayed on my schedule working out 5-7 days a week.
I ate healthy for the most part.
I had a couple cheat meals, 
I tried prepping my food, 
I was strict at time and just the average chicken with rice other days.
I had changed to a bigger gym.
Tried new workouts, new machines, heavier weights.
I loved the lifestyle.

I loved it so much that I had actually quit nursing school 
and started schooling to become a personal trainer.
I felt this was my calling.
It had became my passion.
I wanted to help others experience what I had
and to also add years onto their life with other benefits.

Upon Raul coming back in June of 2014 the bet ended.
We didn't really pick a winner, we both celebrated each others progress
and continued on with our Fitness goals.
It was a lifestyle we both loved and was drawn to.

We also then moved to California to live together.
*best 3 months of my life*
During the first month of living together, we were on top of it.
Working out together.
Eating right.
 It was going good.

However At the beginning of July we found out I was pregnant.
At this time I had to turn down my fitness volume A LOT!
It was a very huge adjustment for me.

Time continued to go by like this for a few more weeks.
I then lost my baby.

After this time, I was able to hit the gym again.
I started back very slow.
My motivation was not there. 
and I was so weak compared to where I was.
I had not lifted weights in weeks.
It was a huge difference.

Another month passed by and We found out Raul was deploying again.
I moved back home, went to my home gym
and we started a bet again the October 5th.

This time it started off with fire.
I was on it. All in it to win.
i was loving it.

Ohhh.... but then December 2014 came.
This became my biggest wake up call.

December 1st I became legally certified as a personal trainer.
*had to throw that in there lol*

But seriously. I hit a wall at this time.
About 4 days before Christmas, i got the flu.
No I am not making an excuse.
I am not blaming what I am about to say on the flu.
But I hit a setback.
and really struggled for that comeback.

I was out of the gym for a week.....
I was weak, felt like I could not do anything at all.
My confidence was shattered.

Upon recovering from the flu though,
things still did not change.
I struggled to get started.
To get out to my garage and workout...
It was in the process of a relapse.

More days passed.
I looked into the mirror and HATED what I was seeing.
My body was falling back to where it use to be.
and not the good kind of way.
I cried.
I screamed.
I kicked myself for letting myself get this way.

But you know what, I then realized something.
I realized something that this whole blog is about...
I realized...
I am going to fail at time.
Hit bumps in the road.
I am going to eat bad at time.
Miss a workout.
Just not feel like it on others.
And it is ok!
The world is not going to end.
I am going to be ok.

It is true seriously.
You screw up, skip a workout, eat a bad meal. 
It does not make you a bad person.
It makes you HUMAN!
you're not the only one either that goes through this.
There are 7 billion others.

So as you have read.
I hit bumps in the road.
I slack off at times...
I am just like you.
I am not any better.

Know, and believe this.
Understand this.
Realize how far you have come, know why you started.
Kick your excuses to the curb, kick some ass.

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