Dec 18, 2014

So you want to lose weight? [Talk about it Thursday]

Did you know that at least 2.8million people
worldwide die each year from being obese or overweight? What about the thought
of these deaths could be prevented? Yeahhhhh…. Just let that sink in. 
                            I get asked every day by text, email, facebook message and Instagram,
                                                              “How can I lose weight?”.
It is weight loss that almost everyone I come encounter with has as a goal.
 I do occasionally get the
“I want to be tone”, “I want to become stronger and faster”,
 “I want to have more energy.”.
But 6/10 times lets be real, its weight loss.
*Which please don’t take it wrong,
 I love when people come to me for advice and help on living a  healthier lifestyle.
 I mean it is what I have devoted my life to.”

So with so many people asking for tips and advice; 
I am going to help you out! So continue reading!
                                                               Yupp, I am excited!!

So Many people you see now are chasing after the quick fix.
Atkins, Ornish, Zone, Malabsorptive or restrictive surgeries, etc.
The list goes on and on.
 However as a fitness professional I want you to succeed now and in the long haul.
 To not only lose weight but to have better health,
to have energy,
to not strain your body or restrict it to unbearable and unhealthy measures
just to “look healthy”.
There is a HUGE difference in looking healthy and being healthy!
So to help, I am going to give you 10 insights of losing weight to
look and feel healthier. 
    CONTROL YOUR PORTIONS: pay attention to serving sizes. Controlling 
    portions is the greatest predictor to weight loss. This can be learning to read 

    a nutrition label, measuring out servings, eat only one helping, use smaller 
    serving dishes, and avoid the urge to “clean the plate”. When going out to 
    dinner places tend to up the portion sizes and one always tries to “clean the 
    plate”. Trust me I know, I am guilty. When out try once receiving your food ask 
    for a to go box and separate your food immediately. This will help from 

    BE MINDFUL: meaning eat when you are hungry and stop when you are 
    full!!!! Meaning pay attention to everything you eat. Do you eat when you are 
    bored, upset, angry, tired, or even full? Emotional eating is the enemy!!!! When 
    going to get food ask yourself, “why?”

    EXERCISE: if it is to lose weight or keep weight off, move! 150 minutes 
    a week is recommended for health benefits. This is average 30 minutes a day. 
    That is it. If it is walking to work or school every day, parking farther away 
    from the door when going shopping or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. 
    There are so many things you can change in your everyday routine that will help
      towards getting active.

    CHECK THE SCALE: This does not mean become obsessed with the scale or 
    to check it day and night. The reason for this is to check once a week! Being 
    able to see your weight go up or down and evaluate it on what you have ate that 
    week, how much exercise you had; can be a great motivation and 

    EAT BREAKFAST: 78 percent of people eat breakfast, 4 percent NEVER do 
    (Wyatt et al., 2002). I mean what, really no breakfast? How do you function? 
    Hahahah. Make these healthy choices though. Even just a granola bar and juice is 
    great! Have something on your stomach. This will help speed up your metabolism. 
    Which will help your body burn calories throughout the day!

    MONITOR INTAKE: this is not to be confused with portion control. This 
    insist of a “food journal”. This is highly effective and proven strategy to 
    weight loss. Why so? Because with this you are aware of what you have put into 
    your body that has given you the results you see during that time 

    easy to put something off. And 9 times out of ten, people don’t fall through. 
    Just as putting off is easy, so is cheating. Ever heard “one cookie won’t 
    hurt?”. Yeahhhh….. don’t listen to that. Discipline yourself to “rewarding” 
    yourself with a cheat treat. Not when you see and want something or have the 
    urge. Rewarding yourself with a cheat MEAL *don’t over do it* a week actually 
    help with further compelling urges. Also get this, people who take a cheat meal 
    are 150 percent more likely to maintain their weight loss (Gorin et al., 2004.).

    TURN OFF THE TUBE: too much TV not only makes you inactive and 
    expanding min amounts of calories but also mindless eating. Which multiplies 
    calorie intake. Honestly are you paying attention to what you’re putting into 
    your mouth when watching tv? Yeahhhh that bag of chips magically vanished while 
    watching that movie.

    KNOW YOUR FRIENDS: harsh? Not at all. To succeed one must surround 
    themselves with successful people. Ever heard of that? Truest words! Instead of 
    constantly catching up with friends for dinner, that 3am trip to WhatABurger; Go 
    to the park and walk, go to the gym.

    BE OPTIMISTIC: this means have perceived control, positive 
    expectations, empowerment, a fighting spirit, and lack of helplessness. Adopting 
    these behaviors are more successful with their weight 

                                   YUPP, REALLY! THAT IS IT!

                                            So there you go!!! 10 steps to successful weight loss.
                                   However if you don’t know how much you should be consuming?
                                                                   Go to
        and it will give you an outline of just that!

        AND of course if you’re wanting to further advance your weight loss journey,
        message me and we will work something out!
        Also you can head over to my other website *link below*
        to check out some amazing products
        to kick start, maintain and advance your weight loss!!

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