I'm hurt deeply. I'm hurt almost every single time I step into a gym. Why? Because of this thing called body shaming. It is bad enough we do it to ourselves every single day but at the gym? This should not happen! The gym should be a second home, a release, a place of comfort and motivation! Not a place that gives you this overwhelming anxiety and fear! I can see it by the looks on peoples face and I can even feel it coming down onto me at times. You read it on the internet [as I have had 4 friends just this week post statuses about "this is the reason I workout at home!"] the articles, the smirks at the gym, whispers in the corner or the eyes you feel burning a whole in the back of your head. Thing is though, body shaming doesn't come in just a 'one size'. Obese people are body shamed and even fit people are body shamed.