At home workouts are becoming / are now a hot topic and a top question with almost everyone I come in contact with. Many of my clients online and at the gym ask me about this. "I want to start working out from home but I really don't know what to do.". Sound familiar? I hear it almost daily and honestly I absolutely love it. I know time can be short when having to drive all the way to a gym, the weather isn't the best to take a workout outside or just so many other factors that can come into play. So it makes working out at home and having a plan to do so, that much better when faced with reasons you can't make it to the gym.
Feb 3, 2016
Feb 1, 2016
Gym Motivation Form The Pros!
Getting to the gym can be tough sometimes. For whatever reason or excuse there might be, some times it just does not happen. And I can sit here all day to give you advice or tips on how to go to the gym and get the best workout there is, but it may just go in one of your ears and out of the other. So I did some searching and found something. It is an article I find motivating and informing also! It is hearing from pros themselves on getting to the gym! Listen up,
Dress The Part:
"Whenever I feel like I want to skip a session, I motivate myseld with a little fitness fashion show. I actually start to try on cute fitness outfits [some faves are lululemon, onzie and Nike]. Playing dress up helps me get motivate each and every time! If it is the weekend and I am running errands. I will put on super cute workout pants, so I am already dressed and setting that mood"
Dress The Part:
"Whenever I feel like I want to skip a session, I motivate myseld with a little fitness fashion show. I actually start to try on cute fitness outfits [some faves are lululemon, onzie and Nike]. Playing dress up helps me get motivate each and every time! If it is the weekend and I am running errands. I will put on super cute workout pants, so I am already dressed and setting that mood"
—Dasha Libin, Founder, Kettlebell Kickboxing
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