Jan 6, 2016

Bump Update: 20 Weeks! Half Way There !

Oh my gosh, we are already half way through our pregnancy! It is beyond crazy how fast everything is passing by and how big our baby girl is getting! Everything is progressing perfectly, she is kicking and growing. We are slowly buying clothes, designing out the nursery, and buying more things. Needless to say we are getting more and more excited, plus prepared for May to come!

Our baby is also hitting 7 inches to 10 inches this week
 and is weighing about 10 oz! 
About the size of a banana. 

Total weight gain: 14 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Not much! One pair of jeans and majority yoga pants!
Stretch marks? None yet.
Sleep: Ehh..... Not very enjoyable. I want to sleep on my back so bad but cannot. So my night consist of tossing and turning.
Workouts: Picking it back up. Cardio with light weight training.
Diet: Making some healthier choices now. I still crave pizza but am also craving chicken sandwiches!
Best moment this week:  Completing my registry after changing it! and defiantly seeing our baby girl for the first time in 14 weeks!!! She was so big! (:
Miss anything? Not at all.
Food cravings: Pizza.... [never ending craving....] also chicken sandwiches. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing, been doing pretty good.
Gender: GIRL! First girl on my families side in 17 years ! 
Labor signs: No!!!
Symptoms: Ligament pain in my lower belly and back. Occasional migraine.
Belly button in or out? In!
Wedding rings on or off: Off at the moment due to being sent off for work. But would be on (:
Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty settle. My hormones have leveled out. However with Raul leaving the 15th, they are swirling up.
Looking forward to: Seeing family Sunday for a dinner before Raul leaves, Feeling more baby kicks and taking in the last days with Raul ((:
Our beautiful baby girl. (:
11.2 Ounces.
140 BPM

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