Little inside on my first trimester; It went by pretty smooth till about week 8-11. Migraines and sickness was a daily routine, however sleep was decent then minus the bathroom breaks. Starting the second trimester from weeks 13-17 [now] have been rough. They say the second trimester is better but I plead the 5th on that so far. Back and lower abdominal pain have kicked in, headaches are back again and sleep is about a 3 on a scale to 10. However I would not trade it for anything !!!
Our baby is also hitting 5.12 inches -6 inches this week
and is weighing about 5-6.60 oz!
About the size of a tangy pomegranate or a game console controller.
Total weight gain: 12 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Not much! I just really love wearing yoga pants right now though. So comfortable!
Stretch marks? Not yet and hopefully not at all.
Sleep: I have to wake up at 6am every morning monday - friday. And sleep during that time is very little. Constant bathroom trips and constantly tossing and turning. However I do try and take a nap everyday after work to ease my body and feel more refreshed.
Workouts: Picking it back up. We go right now about 3-4 times a week. 15-30min cardio with light weight sessions by body groups.
Diet: Shesh.... Has not been the best. However today was the first day back on eating healthy. We went grocery shopping for my work food and I actually did not get any unhealthy foods!
Best moment this week: Recreating my registry [I think I got it now.] Having Raul chase our baby around when finding her heartbeat [she likes to run from him and he sure likes to make her move!]
Miss anything? Not at all.
Food cravings: Pizza.... [never ending craving....] also sour things.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing as in food. Just the occasional day sickness.
Gender: GIRL! First girl on my families side in 17 years !
Labor signs: No!!!
Symptoms: Ligament pain in my lower belly and back and headaches !!
Belly button in or out? In! But it is getting bigger and rising up.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody most of the time: Moody.... Just ask Raul. hahah. But seriously I am fairly calm and happy but can change in a split second...
Looking forward to: Seeing family Sunday so they can see how much she has grown in two weeks, Great food and working on a group 24 day challenge for the start of the new year!
I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. -1 Samuel 1:27
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